PLEASE HELP WITH RESEARCH I have just taken part in the Breakthrough Generations UK study of the causes of breast cancer and would urge as many as possible to do this. All it involves is a questionnaire and optional blood sampling. My doctor told me this was the largest research study into causes being done at the present time.
More information on:
Please do help if you can.
Love Judy xxx
Hi Judy I’ve taken part in the study too - found out about it soon after I was diagnosed. I too would urge as many people to take part as possible. The questionnaire seemed a bit daunting at first but didn’t take long at all to fill in.
i have sent off Hi after reading the above i have sent off for the info pack!
good luck
i have also taken part in this study, and as you say the questionaire looks quite daunting at first, but it doesnt take long once you get started, my 3 neices have also signed up
Sandra xx
Hi Judy I am taking part in a Study for the Institute of Cancer Research:-
British Breast Cancer Study (NCRN) and also doing a Trial for the efficacy of a Herb Tablet to help to minimise Hot Flushes.
There is a limit to the amount of Studies one wants to provide Blood Samples for as its not easy to get mine.
My sister had BC and she nominated me for the Research to see if Familial factors play a part.
But as long as there are people to sign up to these Studies the Research will go and will help others I hope.
Dot XX
My aunt is Smudgergirl and i have taken part in the study as well!