PLEASE HELP WITH RESEARCH I have just taken part in the Breakthrough Generations UK study of the causes of breast cancer and would urge as many as possible to do this. All it involves is a questionnaire and optional blood sampling. My doctor told me this was the largest research study into causes being done at the present time.
More information on:
Please do help if you can.
Love Judy xxx
the Study Judy - thanks for the information regarding the study into BC through generations.
Who can take part ?
Women in the UK 18 years and over can take part
I, being a man, do not fit into this category I’m afraid - I have offered my experience on a few occasions to Breakthrough Breast Cancer - they never take me up on any offer - they only seem to be interested in the majority - Women.
This is why I stick with Breast Cancer Care - because they do CARE
David W
Hi David,
I emailed them to find out why they didn’t want men on the research and received a prompt reply which I’m pasting below:
Dear Judy,
Thank you very much for your email and for your participation in the Breakthrough Generations Study.
The Breakthrough Generations Study is focusing on the causes of breast cancer in women - so unfortunately men can not take part. Cohort studies (such as the Generations Study) need a large number of people to take part and these people need to be followed for a very long period of time. So, as the number of male breast cancer cases diagnosed each year is currently quite low - this is not the best way to study breast cancer in men.
However, Breakthrough is interested in the causes of male breast cancer and is currently considering funding for a proposal to investigate this.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or queries.
Kind regards,
Dr Kiki Tahtis
Senior Research Co-ordinator
Kath thanks for trying Kath - now you know what I mean - Men with Breast Cancer are too few in numbers - there is not enough money for everyone and with 41000 women diagnosed each year - money and research is better spent on the majority.
It is frustrating being a man who has had BC - but we have come along way over the last few years - one day Kath - one day.
thanks again
David W
Sorry Judy Judy please accept my apologies for getting your name wrong in the last reply.
David W
Thanks Judy for pursuing this with Breakthrough. I think their reply makes good sense.
Yes it must be very frustrating being a man with breast cancer, but this is a disease which predominantly affects women, and I think the Breakthrough Generations Study is a real landmark in research.