please help

hello everyone

i having been comming and going on this site now for nearly a year, after my mum was diagnosed.
grade 3, 1.5cm tumor, no nodes involved, triple neg. - chemo, 25 rads.

she finished her rads about 4 month ago, she has developd a pains in her chest and slight difficulty breathing in because of these pains. she was sent for a chest x-ray, as she had a cough (they wanted a chest xray just to be sure) fortunatly this appeared normal.
i am going out of my mind with worry please can anyone reassure me or share there story. i have tried searching past posts.

Hi Jo
I have been told that some women experience a cough after radiotherapy to the chest area as the treatment can hit the edge of the lungs. I am in the middle of rads myself so can’t tell you from experience. At least they are checking your Mum out with chest xrays. Hopefully someone else more “experienced” can give you some reassurance that your Mum’s pains are normal.

Hi Jo

Lucky mum having such a caring daughter. I don’t know if this is any help… I developed pain in the chest area about 4 -5months after rads. It almost felt as though the skin was glued to the ribs and when I stretched, sighed or moved suddenly it felt as though it was being ripped off like a plaster. It was really painful. I think this is due to the rads, it can cause the soft tissues to become tighter and more fibrous. It did pass after about 3 weeks.

If you are going out of your mind, why not phone the help line - they are brilliant at helping you put things in perpective and pointing you in the right direction to get help., support etc.

Take care of yourself and best wishes to mum
love Jacqui

Sorry to hear that your mum is suffering with teh chest pain and the cough. I was told prior to starting rads that it was likely that I would develop a cough - this is cos the rads hit the top of the lung. There is also the tissue damage done by the rads so this will probably be the reason for the pain.

Hope she improves soon.

I finsihed rads end of May and have only just felt the pains subside to a point where I dont notice them but still get achy. I had an ultrasound on the breast last week and the radiographer said the scar tissue is so deep to the chest wall it will cause some discomfort. I have not had a chest x ray but she said the breast and lymph were clear so am putting it down to the rads.
My mind goes into overdrive thinking too but her chest x ray is clear so thats a lot of comfort.

love Cally x