Hello , I’m 34 year old , stop breastfeeding about year and half ago. After my pregnancy and breastfeeding for one year my breasts changed a lot . On January 10 I went for mammogram because I find dimples on the right breast they look like mark waves little lighter color near areola . The mammogram show :- Right breast asymmetry is indeterminate. Recommend a right diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound for further evaluation. and :- BREAST COMPOSITION: Breast density category C: The breasts are heterogeneously dense, which may obscure small masses… .
So on January 23 I went for diagnostic 3d mammogram and ultrasound: they show :- The density in the retroareolar right breast partly disperses with compression.Ultrasound of all four quadrants of the right and left breast was performed including the retroareolar region. No mass or cyst is seen. No sonographic abnormality…
But I keep worry about my dimples and also about the discharge from my nipples , from the right breast is more yellow that the left and also little more coming when squeezed.Also I realize that my right breast is little smaller than the left breast and my nipple in the right breast sometimes looks letter more red to me .
And from last Sunday I start really really really worry because I found little soft mobile lump in armpit I think is lymph node in tail of Spence.
I start calling the doctor who read my mammogram and ultrasound to ask if she is sure there is nothing worry about she said is everything looks normal.
I don’t know what to do , should I trust the last mammogram and ultrasound or go for second exam and push for biopsy.
I feel very scared and also very confused. On top of everything I can’t talk to my husband about it because he gets very upset, because thinks I’m getting crazy , because I when couple Times for mammogram , ultrasound also to my gynecologist who look my breast but for him everything looks normal and do pay attention to my symptoms because normal mammogram and ultrasound.
please give me some advice!
please i don’t know what to do , what about is I have breast cancer and waiting for long time , what if is already spread to lymph that’s my I have this lump in my armpit. Also something I have pain in another parts on the body and thinking it’s spreads to another parts of my body .
please let me know what you think!
thank you !