please help

hi everyone

as ive recently read in some of the posts,the nhs seem to be good at losing the mammogram and genetic mother and i have come across the same thing.we have signifigants in the family and even though my aunty has had to recently have her breasts removed due to the gps diagnosis being wrong and being left waiting for 18 months for a mammogram,we are having the same trouble.the doctor told me 2 months ago i have forms that need to be filled out and sent to genetics,which i still have not recieved,but its not me im bothered mother has had pre cancerous cells removed from her breast before and had developed 1 lump a few months ago.she went doctors,same gp and after heard nothing since june has been ringing everywhere to get answers.its pass the buck and she still hasnt gotten anywhere…i heard her sobbing her heart out this morning as she was told she would have to wait til she was shocking is the nhs?its disscusting.anyway…i want to pay for her to go private but have no idea how to go about it or how much it will cost? is there anyone who has any info on this in the leicestershire area will greatly be appreciated.xx

Hi Red

Sorry to hear about all this waiting etc.I can totally understand how worried you and your mum must be.

There are government protocols that should be followed for referring women with breast lumps.I think you can find them on the Macmillan website.I’ll have a look after this and see if i can find the link for you.It may be worth making another appointment with the GP (or possibly a different one at your practice if possible) and taking the information with you.It would sound from what you say,that your mum should be seen at a breast clinic within two weeks.

If you want to go private,i think all you have to do is find a consultant who deals with breast cancer at your local hospital and call their secretary.Usually consultants have an NHS secretary and another one for private work.I would have thought the secretary could give you an idea of the cost.You could try the website for your local hospital and see if they have any info.If not you could phone the hospital and ask to be put through to PALS (patient advice liaison service) and ask them to find out which consultants would deal with breast cancer.

I hope this helps.I’ll look on the macmillan site now and see if i can get the link.
Take care.K xxxx

Hi Red

This is the link to the referral guidelines.Its not the macmillan website,its cancer help uk

K xxxxx

This really is totally unacceptable and shocking that your mum has a breast lump that isn’t being investigated in light of her past history. She needs to return to her GP and insist on a referral to a breast clinic for investigation. As for the genetic side, who was it who suggested a referral for a genetic assessment? If it was the GP then you need to return and find out what has happened to the referral, another referral may need to be made. Sorry I don’t know anything about services in leicestshire but where you are is by the by, a breast lump is a breast lump and should be investigated by the NHS, you should not have to consider paying private. I really do think you and your mum will have to make some noise. Good luck, let us know how you get on.