Please keep my sister in your prayers/thoughts

Keeping your sister in my thoughts and prayers Sarah (she is the same age as my youngest daughter).
Sue xx

Hoping that it is all ok for her, I was 29 and with 3 little ones so completely unexpected. Hugs. xxxxxx

Hi Sarah,
I am so sorry you and your sister are going through this. I do understand just how horrible it is. 10 years after my primary dx and a few months before my secondary dx my younger sister was dx with breast cancer, I was absolutely devestated and cried more about her dx than I had about mine! Hopefully the tests will bring good news but I know how dreadful the wait and the fear is.
You will both definitely be in my thoughts and prayers, with every good wish to you both, Julie xx

Hi all,

Thank you so much for your messages of support.

My sister attended Breast Clinic yesterday & received brilliant news that the lump discovered by GP was a cyst that has now been drained & she will not require any further follow up, I cannot tell you how relieved she & my family are.

Thank you so much for all your thoughts & prayers.

This really is the most fantastic news - please send all our best wishes to your sister - and now you can relax a bit and try to de-stress.

Loads of hugs,

Jane xxx

Hurrah! - Great news sarah.

Hi, Im so so pleased!! Wonderful news.

Sadie Xx Xx

What a relief for all the family. May the fourth be with you. X

Great news. I’m so happy for your sister, you and your family.



Really wonderful news. So pleased for you J xx

Excellent news Sarah!


fabulous news all the best to your sister and your family,

love liz xxxx

Great news Sarah xx

Fab news xxx

Delighted to read this positive news :slight_smile:
tina x

Such a good result!
I can almost hear your relief…

Welshgirl x

Brilliant!! xx

I’m so pleased to hear the good news about your sister. I hope you are doing as well as possible.

Take care,

Isabelle xxx

This is great news. You can now relax a little.
