Please keep my sister in your prayers/thoughts

Hi all,

I was Dx in December age 40 & am currently undergoing chemo to be followed by Rads. Previous to me there has been no Bc in my family(that we know of).

On Tuesday i received a tearful phone call from my little sister who attended Gp with a leaking nipple which she assumed was connected to having a young baby that she has not long finished breastfeeding. On examination the Gp found the fluid not to be milk & on further examination discovered a lump in her breast as well as suspect (mobile ?) nodes & a dimpling on breast, she has been urgently referred to breast clinic which we are going to on Tuesday.

I am worried sick for her, more worried than i have ever been for myself as she is so very young (27) & has a small baby.

I appreciate that it makes absolute sense for her to be referred etc to clinic & know that it could still be nothing sinister but i am still so very scared for her.

Please keep her in your prayers/thoughts for Tuesday & that all will be ok.


Have probs posted this in the wrong place but just feel so low, have gone from feeling relatively good through my treatment to a state of total anxiety :frowning:

So sorry to hear that. It’s strange how we often worry more for those close to us than we do about ourselves. Thinking of you both.

Stella xx

My thoughts and prayers are with you Sarah and with your sister and family. Fingers crossed it turns out to be nothing to worry about xx

I am so sorry you are both having to deal with this horrible situation. As you well know, this is the hardest time for your sister, waiting to find out if there is anything wrong and she is lucky to have you supporting her at this time. Best wishes to you both.

Thinking of you both.
K x

You are both in my thoughts and prayers, Sarah. You never stop being the big sister, do you?


thinking of you + hoping your sister gets good news next week. I’m not surprised you are worried sick- you sound like a lovely caring sister.
Love+ prayers
tina x

Hi Sarah

Its sounds like you’re having a really tough time at the moment. As well as the support you are receiving here, if you would like to talk things through please don’t hesitate to give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000. The staff on the helpline will offer you a listening ear as well emotional support and information if required. The lines are open again tomorrow from 9 to 2pm.

I hope this is helpful.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi Sarah,

What a awlful shock for you and it understandable that you must be worry sick.
All I can say is I hope for a good outcome for your sister and you.
I’ll be thinking about you both.
Take care

Chris xxx

Hi Sarah, thinking of you both - similar thing happened to me - I decided to go with my little sis for her appointment at the breast clinic - she got the same doc who diagnosed me and everything - luckily her lump turned out to be a cyst which the doc aspirated there and then - she had a mammo a few days later and everything was clear. The relief as you can imagine was enormous - I was terrified of telling our mum if she HAD of had BC as mum didnt deal very well with my diagnosis, but we were lucky. Hope your sister is too. Lots of love to you both xxx

Hi Sarah

Shortly after I had a baby 21 years ago, I spotted a lump and had a leaking breast but it was a blocked milk duct.

I am hoping this is not sinister for your sister but it is good you are giving her you support at this difficult time.

My thoughts and prayers are with both of you.

Best regards

Thinking of you both, lots of love xx

Sarah Thinking of you and your sister wishing you both well and that the news is good on Tuesday. Hugs J xx

My prayers are with you and your sister. I hope it turns out to be nothing sinister.


Try and keep it together until Tuesday. Very difficult times for both of you. Hugs, Nikki x

hugs xx thinking of u both.

stay strong hunny xx

Thinking of you both and fingers crossed for good news on Tuesday.

Gill x

Thinking of you and your sister and her baby.

Got my fingers crossed and you all in my prayers for Tuesday.


Hi Sarah,
I hope all goes well for your sister on Tuesday. Thinking of you both with best wishes,

Isabelle xxx