Hello everyone,
We want to understand more about specialist nursing provision for people with secondary breast cancer, and we need your help.
In October, we launched a campaign for better treatment and care for people with secondary breast cancer. Our survey of over 2000 people with secondary breast cancer found that only 73% were given the name of a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) at diagnosis. With an estimated 35,000 people living with secondary breast cancer in the UK, this could mean that thousands do not have access to a CNS and the crucial support they provide.
We now want to hear from all breast care nurses (whether they support people with secondary breast cancer or not) to find out more about nursing provision for people with secondary breast cancer in their hospital and any challenges to providing the support and care these patients need.
If you have a CNS, we would be grateful if you could share our short survey with them and encourage them to complete it.
It should only take 5-10 minutes, but the results will be incredibly helpful to our work on this issue. We would also be very grateful if you could encourage your CNS to share this survey with any colleagues or networks of breast care nurses that they know of.
Remember the survey is for all breast care nurses, not just those who support people with secondary.
If you have any questions, please reply below or contact us at campaigns@breastcancernow.org
Thank you in advance