
Hi forum members

As you may know our new media team has recently started podcasting. breastcancercare.org.uk/content.php?page_id=10828

to see what we have done up until now.

But the reason I am posting is to ask if you have any ideas, requests for future podcasts. Is there a particular treatment you would like to know more about or an issue you think we should be taking up. Just post here to let us know as we are planning our future podcasts.



Could we have some more updated advice about triple neg Bc and drugs that may be coming through that we might be able to take etc and what happens at the end of rads is it just bye bye , good luck!!!

I would like to know what NICE guidelines are after WLE,total axillary removal,chemo,rads and 5 yrs of Arimidex. Can we continue on Arimidex after 5 yrs? I will be 5 yrs from dx in Jan 2008 and wonder what kind of protection against recurrence I will get - tamoxifen? I am ER+, HER2-, PR not done.

Good morning,

Thanks for your posts - it’s great to know what you would like to find out about. I’m currently putting together December’s show with Tara, but these are great ideas to add to our list of topics for future episodes.

We tried to touch on targeted therapies, such as Herceptin, when we spoke to Dr Emma Pennery last month, but it’s clear that new drugs and what happens following treatment is of interest. Zjlove - the suggestion of triple negative breast cancer is a great idea and I will add that to the list of topics to cover in the New Year.

Lizziecee - your questions seem very specific and whilst I’ll look into how we can address them, I wonder whether you’ve considered our Ask the Nurse email service? You can find out more about it via this link: breastcancercare.org.uk/content.php?page_id=119. They are far more qualified than myself to answer these questions and the turnaround is only five days max.

Excuse a quick plug… I’m currently putting together December’s show which will talk about the recent Cancer Reform Strategy from the Government, and includes an interview with one of our forum members about her experiences of using the discussion forums and living with secondary breast cancer. We’ll also pop into our Carols by Candlelight service and talk to guests - although a lovely little girl ends up being the star of the show!

Really hope you’ve got the time to take a listen - I’ll be sure to post back when it’s live on the site.

Thanks once again for your comments - a very Merry Christmas and a wondeful New Year to all of you.

All my best for 2008, thanks.

James Grainger.

Web Editor, Breast Cancer Care.

Hi there,

Just to say December’s podcast is now live on the website and accessible through www.breastcancercare.org.uk/podcast. It includes an interview with a regular poster from this forum. Hope you can take time to listen, here’s a quick synopsis…

This month’s podcast take time to analyse the Government’s newly published Cancer Reform Stategy and comment on how it will affect breast cancer treatment in the UK, as well as debunking another breast cancer myth about lipstick.

Support is important at this time of year for many, and we share how you can gain emotional support over the festive season. This is paired with an emotional interview with Kate, a regular poster on our Discussion Forums as she explains how they have helped her and what it’s like to live with secondary breast cancer.

Finally, we visit our festive Carols by Candlelight service in Knightsbridge, where we talk to guests and our celebrity supporters, including Nigel Harman, Lesley Joseph, Trinny Woodall and patron Cherie Booth QC. We also speak to a lovely cheeky little lady who’s clearly a future star of television!

Thanks for your support,

James, Web Editor, Breast Cancer Care.

Thank you James.

I particularly appreciated Kate sharing her thoughts and being able to hear her voice after reading so many of her posts.


Just wanted to let you know that I thought this month’s podcast was very well done - a good balance of items. Particularly enjoyed hearing Kate.

Many thanks Kay

Many thanks for your comments Kay123 and magaretw.

I was just going to add a note myself saying the podcast transcript (should you not be able to listen online to the show) can now be downloaded from the podcast page at www.breastcancercare.org.uk/podcast.

Thanks again and all our best for the New Year to each and every one of you.


How do i get to hear the podcast, I am not exactely well up on computers.
Also is the DEC one still available to listen too?


Hi Liverbird,

I’d like to ask whether your computer has sound or not? Does it have speakers? If you visit other websites and you can hear sound, then you should be able to listen to our podcast easily.

If so, make sure the volume is turned up on your speakers and just visit www.breastcancercare.org.uk/podcast. The podcast should then play automatically from the page.

If you don’t have speakers, the other alternative is to download the transcript of our show, which is available on the lower part of the page, also accessible via www.breastcancercare.org.uk/podcast. A direct link to read the transcript of the show would be breastcancercare.org.uk/docs/breast_cancer_care_dec07_podcast_transcript__0.pdf.

To your second question, if you’re after previous episodes, you can visit our archive of previous shows at breastcancercare.org.uk/content.php?page_id=11014.

If you need any more help, just answer and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. thanks!

James, Web Editor.

Ta for that listened to the Nov Dec ones, very good.


Glad to hear it’s working fine, thanks!

Have there been podcasts for Feb and March?

Hi Regina

I have added the link to the podcast for March breastcancercare.org.uk/content.php?page_id=10828
This includes Clinical Nurse Specialist, Tara Beaumont, as she talks about to James Fletcher about the tenth anniversary of the Lavender Trust, our fundraising arm that raises money for services for younger women. We also chat to Roisin Furlong about how this money is used, and the services we provide for younger women - including details of our two-day residential weekend events, our Younger Women’s Forums.

Kind regards