Poem .....My thoughts

When I first found my lump

I was so scared ,but some how deep inside  I knew

cancer it was you.

Two weeks of prodding my breast

Hoping that lump  would dissappear 

Scared to go to my GP

I was filled with fear.

But eventually I went

And saw my doc

Who sent me to the breast clinic

I knew he would,it wasn’t a shock 

The day came and in I went

 I had all the relevant checks

I was told it was breast cancer

My fears confirmed

And that is when I wept

I cried so many tears that day

And I was all alone

Covid was the reason for that

had to stop myself from crying 

Compose myself,and drive home.

I’ve had my operation 

My chemotherapy, Radiotherapy on Letrazole now too

I’ve come through my cancer journey 

Something that I was so very scared to do

But if I can do it,

when I didnt think I could

You can do it too

To all those just starting there journey

We are  stronger and braver than we could ever imagine.