Port or no port??

Hi I have started chemo and had my second FEC yesterday. I have to have 2 more FEC cycles then 12 taxol. I have been recommend to have the port, any suggestions?

hi i have the picc line …im not sure what a port is were does that go? i didnt want the picc line but its gonna save your veins then i would recommend it hugs to u what eva u choose im sure there will b lots of ladies b here to help xxx

I had a port fitted in march because my veins have all collapsed from previous chemo.I had mine fitted at Royal marsden and they only fit ports under general anaethetic, but I know many hospitals do it under local anaethetic. I have a power port so I can also use it for scans and bloods.
I have found my treatments so much easier since having the port fitted,providing staff are trained to use it.
Hope this helps and good job with chemo.

Hi I had a Portocath put in recently, it was done under local Anesthetic, it was sore for about 2 weeks, it was used 6 days after insertion, I LOVE my port it is so much easier, I have to have Herceptin for life, so glad I had it put in.

LOVE my portacath. Very glad I had it inserted before my first chemo, so I’ve managed to preserve my veins. Definitely worth going for in my case, and I will miss it when it’s removed.

I had my Portacath inserted after my 3 FEC, in time for my 3 Taxoteres and 18 Herceptins. Its the best thing ever!!! HIGHLY recommended!!! I wish I’d had it put in pre all my chemo. I had mine out in under local anaesthetic without sedation, and when the local wore off it was VERY sore. But it was completely worth it. I had my 18th and final Herceptin yesterday, so in THEORY I can have mine out now. But my veins are so rubbish, Im extremely reluctant to have it removed. Just in case.
Its been fantastic to me. Go for it!!!

I had my port put in on 24 april under a local anaesthetic and no sedation. Bit stressful and lot of pushing and pulling but not painful. It was used day after for chemo.
After chemo 2 it got very inflamed because my jugular developed phlebitis as it didn’t much care fot a foreign body in it and then the skin over the port split with the swelling and pressure. I was taken in as an emergency and had it removed under a general anaesthetic on 13th June.
I have very poor veins and am her2+ so on 20th june, i had another port fitted under a general anaesthetic and routed through my arterial vein as jugular is well and truly knackered. This was done by a surgeon. Port number one was done by a consultant radiographer.
I had chemo through new port on 27 june and so far so good.
It is wonderful not to have cannulas but ports are fickle, they are a significant foreign body. I am from the april 2012 chemo thread and 2 of us on there have had to have ports removed very early on.
So, fantastic if they suit you and work well, but for me, the last 4 weeks have been portacath hell. Please make sure you have it inserted by a surgeon, it is a surgical procedure and i believe the radiographer who did my first one made a right botch up.

Pixie xxx

I had a power port fitted as this was my second lot of chemo & I can only use one arm for veins as I have lymphoedema in my left arm. I wouldthoroughly recommended one. It is used for taking blood as well as putting in treatment. Takes a couple of weeks to settle in but then you don’t notice it’s there. I shall miss it when it’s gone! Back to hunt the vein for blood tests.

Twinky x

Hi, I had my port fitted under a general anaesthetic by a vascular surgeon and was not allowed to use it for 2 weeks to let it settle. So far I have had 3 FEC and will have a 4th soon followed by 17 herceptin. It is so much easier and quicker as the vein it goes into is so much bigger than the ones in your arm, as it is under the skin, once healed it does not affect you in the shower/bath or later on the swimming pool. Once this one is removed when my treatment is finished, I would definitely have another one if I needed to.
Good luck with your treatment.

Posted on behalf of Linda

HI Ladies, Thank you so much for your responses. I had the port fitted at London Bridge Hospital on 19th July and it was awful! I didnt feel it under sedation but was so upset when I had to walk into theatre awake and see all the scary machinery and staff wuth masks on!! Freaked me out a bit! I then had chemo that day. I felt terribke but onc aid it was more than likely a allergic reaction to the sedative as I have been quuite well on the FEC, well minimal side effects l should say!! It settled down after a couple of weeks and had kat of my FEC on Monday and all went well.

Stay well ladies, thinjing of you xx