Hi all
I was diagnosed with breast cancer (right breast) early November.
2 tumors 14mm and 13mm 5 oclock and 6 o’clock
The 5 o’clock one was grade 2 and 6 o’clock grade 1 both ended up with clear margins from the two lumpectomys I had.
I had a sentinal node biopsy done to which 4 of my lymph nodes were taken. 2 have shown signs of cancer.
This was all originally supposedly clear on the original ultrasound.
Im having a massive panic to which ive not slept properly since results as to why ive not now been offered a full clearance? I understand the complications with surgery i understand the potential risks associated with it.
I just cant get my head around why we would potentially leave the rest in there if two out the 4 were clear. Surly its best for them all to go?
To also top it off i have one tumor thats her2 positive and one thats negative which ive been told is not as common. Im now panicking i should ask for futher surgery eg mastectomy and full clearance just incase.
I also find it very very challenging as i cant find anyone else who has had positive lymph nodes and not a full clearance to which im panicking even more. Ill be having chemotherapy radiotherapy herceptin injections and tramoxaphen. But cant get out of my mind surgery Surly is better as its all out for definite even if theres no more evidence of cancer. I mean how do we know that ive not got another lymph node thats rouge and sitting there in its chain with cancer? How do we know out of the 4 which two had cancer?
Thank you
Kind regards
Hi Smallandmighty
I had 2 nodes taken, one of which was positive, but I didn’t have a clearance - the node area will be treated with radiotherapy.
I was confused too! But my oncologist assures me that radiotherapy is just as effective as surgery
Hi there
I too had positive sentinel nodes 3 out of 5 and haven’t had full clearance as wasn’t recommended by my surgeon/consultant at the moment. I am currently undergoing chemo and then radiotherapy with the understanding that this will kill any
lurkers and was advised radio was just as effective and less side effect that comes with full clearance. I’ve to meet with my surgeon after chemo about clearance but not on the table at the moment.
I had a bit of a freak out also about why no further surgery but surgeon has reasurred me.
All the best with your treatment
Hi smallandmighty. I had lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy in April 2023. Lumpectomy margins clear but cancer in first node. I also expected further surgery but was reassured that radiotherapy and tamoxifen would be effective. Hope you are doing well.
Best wishes x
Thank you this has helped me i suppose its because everyone ive spoken too has gone back for full clearance and i havnt but it might be because ive not met them yet. Im having a bit of a panic about it even though my surgeon also agrees that its not necessary and radiotherapy is just as effective. I just cant get out of my head that having them all out is better?
Thank you im slowly seeing there are others out there like me but at 1st i never even thougt not having a full clearance was a thing i thought that was what just happened x
I still sometimes think having a full clearance would be better but I would rather avoid another surgery after going through chemo and then radio and thinking these two tough treatments and hormone therapy and ovarian suppression is enough. I know Ive to have to have another conversation with my surgeon after chemo so things may change. Im hoping chemo and radio are enough to kill any rogue cells!
I guess its a conversation to have with your surgeon or oncologist perhap, but there are quite a few studies citing that if you have at least 2 nodes even with macro and not micrometastasis then radio would be just as effective.
Its really hard to fully understand it all and I still struggle with it myself as to what it right or not but thats what the surgeon and oncologist is for and just now im happy to be guided by them for now.
I was diagnosed with er+ breast cancer 10 years ago and it was also found in my sentinel nymph nodes. I had expected a full clearance but my oncologist at the time said that there didn’t appear to be any difference in future spread etc with or without a full clearance and they did not routinely offer this. I did have radiotherapy and chemo. At the time this did worry me.
I have now had a recurrence in the same breast, diagnosed in September 2024, and again it is in my nodes. But it has not spread so I think the radiotherapy and chemo did work for me in that respect. And again I have not been offered any further node removal this time round. My surgeon had also said prior to the mastectomy that he would only remove any nodes that were easy to get at as he didn’t want to cause me any damage to my armpit rooting around in there. I am having chemotherapy again as it was found in the two nodes removed.
So despite my recurrence, which wouldn’t be linked to my previous positive nodes, I hope this helps to reassure you. Xx
Thank you pumpkin2 im sorry to hear about your diagnosis and your recurrence. I hope all goes well with treatment as im sure it will. Thank you for posting as this has made me feel a little more at ease i appreciate anyone who is or has been in a similar situation as i feel so alone so thank you xx
I am glad I have been able to help you in some small way
It is so confusing and scary going through all of this, but you aren’t alone in this. I have found the forum a great help.
Take care and best of luck xx
Hi smallandmighty,
Thank you for posting.
It is understandable that you are worried about having radiotherapy rather than further surgery to the lymph nodes. We speak to many people who have this concern.
You might find it helpful to call us and talk this through. We often find we can help people more by speaking to them on the phone. If so call us on 0808 800 6000.
When there are cancer cells in the sentinel node, you may be recommended to have either further surgery to remove some or all of the remaining lymph nodes or radiotherapy to the underarm. You mention 2 out of the 4 lymph nodes contained cancer. This will help your team decide what treatment is suitable for you. It may help to know the sentinel node biopsy is a targeted technique which helps them to identify the first lymph nodes the cancer may have spread to.
If you have not done so already, do talk to your treatment team about your concerns. They will be able to answer your questions based on your individual circumstances.
As you see from @sharlou, @poorlyboob and the others’ experiences, radiotherapy is a very effective treatment to destroy cancer cells.
Experiencing sleep problems after a diagnosis of breast cancer is very common. You may find our Facebook live on sleep useful to help you manage your sleep problems.
Some people also benefit from talking therapy, such as counselling, to explore ways of managing worries and concerns. Mindfulness can also be helpful. Do talk to your breast care nurse, treatment team or GP about how you are feeling so they can support you.
We offer a range of free supportive services for anyone who has had a diagnosis of breast cancer which you may be interested in. They include face to face and online courses and events.
Talking to someone who has had a similar experience can often be helpful. Our Someone Like Me service can match you with a trained volunteer who’s had a similar experience to you. You can be in touch with your volunteer by phone or email and they can share their personal experiences to answer your questions, offer support or simply listen to how you are feeling.
As mentioned above do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen, talk things through and signpost you to additional support and information if necessary. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK - prefix 18001).
If you would prefer one of our nurses to call you. Please complete this form ticking the box agreeing to a call back.
Our usual opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm and 9am - 1pm on Saturday.
Out of hours you can leave a message and we will call you back when we next open.
Best wishes
Breast Care Nurse
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