Hiya, I havnt been on in a while but i thought that i would give something posotive for you to read. I was DX in june and had a double mast with recon to follow with expanders. I was DX at the age of 22 and never in a million years did i think that i would have to have this operation then ( I always new that i would have it because of genetics!) Luckily I didnt have to have chemo so she could start with my recon approx 2-3 weeks after my opp, it took me a couple of moths to get compeletly blown up and it took 6 months till my actual opp were she put implants in.
To put it bluntly, when i came round from the opp I was devastated, my breasts seemed to be a lot smaller than when I had natural breasts, I was gutted!My consltant said that they can take a few weeks to settle and i shouldnt worry and they should be the same size as my natural breasts and now they are!!! I had my nipples done last month too and I actually look like i have normal breasts afgain but I just have a scar…thats it!!!
I am 23 now and i feel confident again (except i have put on a load of weigt as of the hormone therapy!) to look and act like a 23 year old! My surgeon is amazing and has done an absolutly fab job.
I suppose I just want to put peoples mind at ease about this surgery…its a bugger going through it but i think that when al the surgery is over you do feel better!
Emily xxxx