- Hi, has anyone got any positive stories of Secondary TMBC was diagnosed in January with TNBC after multiple scans a 10mm in the liver. I am currently on chemotherapy and immunotherapy. I’m coping ok little tired and achy. I don’t know if it’s me but I feel the lump in my breast is getting smaller was 90mm and not as sore.
Sal74 do also reach out to metupuk if you haven’t already too
Shi xx
Hi. I was diagnosed with secondary TNBC in June 2021. At the time of my diagnosis, the cancer had spread to my lymphatic system and to my bones, lungs and brain. Like you, I had a combination of immunotherapy and chemotherapy, and all of my tumours shrunk dramatically to the point where most of them were undetectable. After 18 months, I stopped the chemo and just kept on with the immuno.
Late last year, I found the tumours in my brain had progressed as it seems that chemo and immuno don’t get to the brain very effectively. But all of the other cancer remains very small or undetectable.
Obviously everyone is different, but there are some positive success stories out there of which I am one.
All the very best
Thank you for your reply. am new to this group and feel overwhelmed with all the information. I am so happy that the chemotherapy and immunotherapy worked well for you. Sending virtual hugs xx
Hi Sal
I had tnbc back in 2022. I had chemo first before surgery. The chemo shrank my lump which started at 25mm to almost nothing. So, try to have faith in the chemo, I am sure your results will bshow improvements. Best of luck!!
Thank you for your reply. It helps to speak with others th as t have been through the same x
Anytime! If I can help, I will do. X
I can add a positive story. I have metastatic TNBC and had 2 liver lesions. I had about 5 months on Pembrolizumab plus NAB-Paclitaxel in the metastatic setting. I had to stop treatment due to a serious immunotherapy related adverse event which caused organ damage. However, it had allowed significant shrinkage to the disease, which stayed stable whilst my health recovered from the adverse event. I then had the residual tumours ablated and am now in remission.
That’s such good news bet you are so happy, it’s great to hear such wonderful news.
My liver has gone from 12mm to 4mm.
And they are giving me a full maceotcmy and lymph node clearance on the 27th of June, obviously I will have more chemo and immunotherapy afterwards.