positive vibes!

i was first diagnosed with breasr cancer 21 years ago at the age of 33 and have been on and off treatment ever since.

although diagnosed with secondaries six years ago i am currently pretty much cancer free due to oral chemo and rfa to the liver.

i am well. i work full time and live alone so alsp manage thr upkeep of my house and garden.

my oncology team are amazing and i am ruly grateful to them for always having “something up their sleeves”

i just want to say that breasr cancer is niot alwaysa killer and my oncologist likens it to being a diabetic, a chronic illness he says

i hope this will help anyone who is in a similar position to myself


Just come on the forum to read your inspiring message, Kerryoc, you sound very positive and are clearly doing well so I hope others read your post and take heart! Thank you for posting!
I have also been living with breast cancer on and off for 20 years, still on Capecitabine which has held everything in check for 2 years after my secondary diagnosis. So what do I do? Fall off my horse and crack some ribs, far more painful than any treatment - Doh!! Xx

Oh Kerry! Thank you so much for posting your heartening story. I love the way your Onc thinks! Although I can’t complain about mine - he, and the whole team, has been excellent. It’s wonderful hearing such stories - thanks again. Hugs, Barton.x

My Oncologist also tells me to treat it as a chronic disease. I’ve only been diagnosed 2 years, and I am still working full time and enjoying life despite the cancer worries.

Oh Kerry I so needed to read that today. I was diagnosed on Friday with Secondary to the spine, liver and lymph nodes. Clinging on to any hope I have. My first question on Friday was how long have I got. How long is a piece of string I know. I finished my blog earlier this year and I am now taking inpsiration from others. To know you are all living lives to the full and normally is huge to me today…except I don’t understand some of the medical terms on this forum yet…mets, rfa etc. So thank you and any advice is greatly appreciated.x

Kerry you are so inspiring. I have just joined the bone mets thread as I have recently been diagnosed and really need to hear stories like yours showing that life really does go on despite a secondary diagnosis. 

Thank you and keep posting. Red x