possible bone mets

Thank you Mishy - moving a little bit better today - had clips out of wounds - hoping bleeding will now stop.Sleeping on back is not great for back pain but have no choice :frowning:.Nothing through for spine issues yet .Hope you and Chick are coping ok with pain and discomfort - seems to take an eternity to progress things even when "urgent " .


I know Jill i hope you get sone clarity soon and when your leg heals im sure it will be better had my head ct today with and without contrast dye, iver quickly but was feeling anxious even though its a precautionary scan i can’t help with the what ifs
Spine wise i have my 2nd mri of c spine on 9th tgen my EMG in 11th so once tge nuero surgeon has reviewed them i will get an app with my action plan the lady today in ct was lovely so person centred she knew my bc history as i had to fill in the check list and prior scan questions wanted to know when i had it and which part of body so after explaining that it was a radiotherapy planning ct she was totally sympathetic to the scanxiety and wished me the very best made me a cup of tea before i left, these occasions restore my faith in the NHS although i have had nothing but the best with the bc team i fiund gps can be less than sympathetic mine had me down as neurotic when there was an actual problem thank goodness for locums and then theres your experience of late Jill and Chick which makes me think some shake uos need ti happen it must be doen to an overstretched system not enough man power etc but nit good when you are on the receiving end
Take care lovely ladies Jill keep that chin up x

Sorry for the typos my fingers are a bit nimb

It’s a slow process isn’t it Mishy .Good that you had a caring person doing the scan - makes all the difference .Im in a lot of discomfort tonight - back ,legs ,ribs and hips all hurting .Have had to hit the strong painkillers but they make me feel wiped out the next day and it’s a drugged sleep is better than none but not very refreshing ?Hope you 2 are managing some pain free rest ??

Hello all,


Jill - glad that you are now moving a bit. Sleeping on your back - ouch that made me cringe!  Hope the bleeding stopped ok and wounds healing as well as can be expected. 


Mishy - can understand the anxiety about the precautionary head CT.  Fingers crossed for your forthcoming action plan.


We might have different things going on but I think we can all agree that the pain and discomfort is just unbearable at times.  I am having such a hard time sleeping during the night.  The pain can intensify whether pain killers or not. I have to keep getting up and walking around.  I make a drink and even have a snack and then put my tablet on in bed and distract myself watching things.  I tend to fall asleep through the programmes so have to keep restarting and it puts me to sleep again.  Never mind white light being bad for sleep, being in pain is much worse.  I have got through “Trust”, “The Killing Of Eve” and most recently “The Slap” amongst others! 


I had my best sleep for months the other night, but only after taiking dihydrocodeine with a shot of Jack Daniels.  I know - not a good habit and I don’t want to end up an addicted insomniac  but maybe every now and then for some relief.  The day after, i.e. yesterday, was the first day I felt like going out properly  for over a week.  Spent the day in town but every step  was painful.  I could not even sit down in peace whilst having a coffee.  When I was eating my tea later at home, I ate some of it whilst squatting on the floor as it was the least painful position. 


Physio and that say about keep moving and doing normal activities but I just think they do not have a clue.  If I could do normal activities, then I would not be needing their services. I would like to see them continuing with their normal activies of, e.g. work, if they were experiencing the same thing.  This certainly is not getting on with life after BC treatment - I am beginning to climb the walls in frustration (or if only I could climb a wall!). I have an appointment on Monday.  I will wait and see how I feel but at the moment I think it is pointless continuing with the bits and pieces physio service. 


Take care all,


Chick X




I can totally sympathise on the pain /discomfort front Chick - finding a comfortable position to get any sleep is a challenge for me.I have now aggravated whatever is going on in my ribs as getting in and out of bed /off sofa requires me to haul myself up putting strain on my upper trunk -I feel like I am In a straight jacket (I might be if I don’t get some relief soon ) .Hope you are feeling a bit better today .x

Hello Jill,

Thanks for message. Went out again yesterday for afternoon and early evening. This time managed to sit down and have refreshments in comfort. It’s just so nice to only feel mild pain even if it’s only for a few mins. Mind you, bleeding “Jack” let me down last night - it didn’t work so a few hours sleep again mixed in with watching episodes of 'Uncle" and a few walks around the house.

I totally agree about the sleeping position. I am finding it so hard to be comfortable staying on one side. I try on my back and the other side even though it really hurts but I would have to be very drugged up to fall asleep in the other positions. I do try sleeping on my knees with my body and face forward at times.
You are so right, that sleeping position can cause other problems.

How are your wounds doing? Is it all healing well? Maybe I missed another posting - have you got results appointment soon?

Best wishes as always,
Chick ? X

Morning ladies happy Autumn ?? absolutely beautiful morning Jill i know you can’t get about yet but if it’s as sunny and fresh where you are aa it is here pull ooen the blinds and windows its lovely Chick good to see you have been able to get out a bit too the pain from a prolapsed disc is absolutely horrendous so i sympathise im lucky in some respect that mine is upper as it doesn’t affect my walking its just sheer bloody frustrating that i cannot do anything normal myself silly things like carrying a bag cutting a hedge lifting the baby when she comes ir pushing her pram chopping veg all normal everyday day tasks i have to rely on someone to do for me i can’t even walk my dog now nstead have to go along with someone as she is too big (lab) really frustrating however i have noticed since i stopped doing these things the pain is alot better but its not real life at the same time so the op is probably the only thing that will solve it, Jill any appointments yet for you has your pain settled any, i hope it has i hope you hsve had lots of things to occupy you there is only so much TV isn’t there i enjoyed the peace and quiet this morning i sat in garden in dressing gown cold as it was just enjoying the sound of birds i find it helps me destress the anxiety monster crept in last night and kept me awake for hours the mind is a strange thing mine is anyhow at times but this morning sorted me out xxx hsve a good day ladies take care x

Ladies - back in hospital due to infection in wound - in A and E waiting to be admitted for IV antibiotics :frowning:

Hello all,

Mishy - lovely to hear from you. Glad it is sunny where you are and you are enjoying it.

Jill - oh goodness sake - must feel never ending. Hope they can sort it out and you manage to get home later.

Best wishes,
Chick ? X

Jill thsts awful i really feel for you sending you the
???blood dance get rid of those nasties take care xx

Thank you Mishy - hope it works ??

Hey Helena glad to see you are better following drs instructions is very frustrating i probably could do these things just they could make things worse in the meantime so i have a moan which i shouldn’t as there are so many others alot worse of than me my trouble is im stubborn hate asking for help but its for my own good atm!!!
Fingers crossed mate you get in and get your op done next week hope you get it out of the way and make a speedy recovery how’s your OH Helena hope he is getting along ok x
Chick it has been lovely today fresh but lovely and sunny x

Hi floodysa. Just wondering how your mri turned out. I also have 5 rib fractures, 4 on the left and 1 on the right. My oncologist seems very unconcerned about it but I have the dreaded feeling it’s bone Mets. 

Hi Curlocks - I think floodsya did end up being diagnosed with mets .I am in similar position with rib issues and other areas of concern but despite numerous scans Oncologist is still not sure its mets - I thought it would be a lot more straight forward to diagnose .Does your Oncologist have another explanation for your broken ribs ? It’s so uncomfortable isn’t it ? I feel like someone is squeezing me really hard all the time .

Could you change to Tamoxifen -if you def have osteoporosis they prob should be considering that anyway ? I must admit I really did think it would be a lot more straightforward getting a diagnosid .

Hi ladies seems like a lot of us have rib issues min3 have been really sore lsst couple of weeks i def think the rads and chemo could affect thrm, my GP has arranged for mr to have a dexa scan in Nov as he feels i may be osteoporosis or osteopenic following treatment and menopause status confirmed in last blood test, im seeing my onc on Monday a clinic follow up so mentioning my ribs and other aches might as well while im there hate how we question everything we would have ignored before diagnosis x

Hi all .Got a cancellation appt with neurosurgeon yesterday which has at least given me some explanations for my difficulty walking /leg weakness / numbness .The first thing he said was that the spine MRI was definately not suspicious for cancer - I have osteoarthritis causing bone spur which is causing spinal cord compression leading to weakness and numbness in legs ,osteoporosis causing disc issues and lower back pain and a neck abnormality ( prob from birth) which is causing pins and needles in hands .Further MRI in January then he will discuss surgery to remove some bone and relieve presume on spinal cord .So leg is not cancer ,spine is not cancer - crossing them off the list but still have multiple bone issues with no definite cause and a report saying multiple bone mets - exhausting .How are both coping with the pain /discomfort .My ribs are being aggravated by having to use crutches and haul myself in and out of chairs etc

Jill your feport sounds very similar to mine! I have spurs compressions of cord too however mine is neck not lower back thats has bulging disc degeneration i am back at neur5 on Rhurs to find out what hes doing and when back went yesterday couldnt lift my leg sit or anything has settled this morning but i haven’t had any sleep my neck is still the same i really don’t want the problems i have with my arms and hands to get worse so i suppose surgery shouldn’t be turned down, had my onc app he reviewed my scans of head and spine saus not mets and has out my hip and rib pain down to spine and radio therapy!!! I think when you have a spinal problem the pain can be deferred to the hips legs and feet i also have chostochindttis in my ribs onc could feel the inflammation but no mets which was whst i wanted to hear, Jill i suspect if you have oestoarthritis and have gone through menopause you could have some osteoporosis my doc has arranged a dexa scan in Nov
Chick hi hope that you are chugging along ok and your back isn’t causing you to many problems be careful when jts slippy out girls my neuro doc told me to be careful and avoid falls xx

Yes Mishy ,it does sound very similar.I can put up with the neck issues but the leg weakness has made my mobility very poor so I would def consider surgery - when I have recovered from the last one !!! I still have an open wound that is being dressed by district nurses every other day !! I am waiting for DEXA scan and rheumatogy opinion about the bone issues - there is a chance of a genetic bone disorder according to Oncologist - just want to know what I’m dealing with after 6 months of investigations .