Possible Paget's Disease

Saw my GP today about a nipple and areola rash I have, with itching/tingling deep in my breast. In honesty I looked at it this morning and thought maybe it’s improved a bit! Anyway, she said Paget’s Disease needs ruling out. She referred me to the breast clinic, an urgent referral, and I’m waiting for my letter.

I don’t feel horrific about it, I know most people referred don’t actually have cancer, and I know Paget’s is really rare. I’m also only 34, young to have Paget’s.

I guess right now more than anything I feel like maybe I’m making a big deal out of nothing and it’ll just be dermatitis or something. But at the same time I actually really do want it checked out properly. It’s a confusing old time isn’t it? 

Hi, thank you for sharing your story. I was wondering how you are doing now. 

Bless you @Hilga  I am sorry to hear you have another test and wait for answers.

It is absolutely worth them checking as I am also 34 and what I thought was Runners Nipple and chaffing did turn out to be Paget’s disease on top of DCIS and IDC - madness as you say with it being so rare

I really hope all works out absolutely fine for you, but reach out if you need anything xx