I am really don’t know what to if my wife gets her results back from a recent bone scan and it comes back with bad news, has anyone out there got any advice on how to support her if the worst happens ?
I am always there for her and will be no matter what but I still find it hard to cope at times, when she went through breast cancer nearly five years ago she was so strong right up to the point of chemo when her hair began to fall out Where she just all of a sudden broke down.
what do I say what do I do … It’s so frustrating as I am totally helpless and can’t help or protect my wife !!
tips help would be appreciated
Hi Luis,
Welcome to the BCC disucssion forums where I am sure you will get lots of good, honest support from the many informed users of this site.
While you are waiting for replies I have put for you below the link to one of BCC’s publications you might find helpful to read
also, of you would like to talk to someon in person then please do give our helpline a call. Calls are free, 0808 800 6000, lines open Mon - Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2.
Take Care,
Jo, Facilitator
My goodness Luis - will your wife really have problems with you knowing how to cope. You sound absolutely marvellous, caring & loving man. Just make sure you are expressing this to her in words if she needs it spoken, or may just in that gentle hug now and then - it sometimes says more than words. We have an fantastic thread running in the Secondaries part of the site where there are many of us LIVING with bone secondaries, some of us for a number of years now (for myself it is 11 years since I had bone mets diagnosed). it would be very good if if she is diagnosed, for her to join us there. Much depends on what treatment she will need if it is bone mets. The drugs I am on do not give me any side effects. My husband made the bad mistake of telling me far too often that I shouldn’t be doing things!! Again and it is ‘if’ -don’t say that to her unless you are prepared to do them straightaway! LOL. Seriously though - I hope that it isn’t bad news for you, but if it is this is a good place for support.