Post DIEP touch ups - update

Just thought I’d update on how my DIEP touch ups have settled down as there isn’t a lot of available information and it may help people still to decide on things.

DIEP/mx late November 2011
Touch up surgery August 2012 …it’s been almost six weeks now.

Dog ears and lipo - Though my hips and tum were bigger then ever immediately after the op, the bad swelling went down in about two weeks and since then there has been gradual change- well I hadn’t noticed until today that my hips really do look better and streamlined. The scar is extended a little further around each hip, but it’s neither here nor there, and has healed perfectly.

Adhesion - a bit of the original scar had adhered to whatever is below, so it gave a pulling sensation most of the time, and meant my tum bulged out just a little bit over the top. That was reopened and closed up again in August, if anything the scar is even neater and thinner there, and no more pulling!

Recon breast - lipo reduction to the outside doesn’t seem to have made much difference, I’m still a DD on that side…maybe it will settle down some more…

Nipple recon- hasn’t been any trouble at all, it has flattened down a bit, but mine are quite tidy anyway, so it’s about right now.

All in all I am terrifically pleased with it all!

Roll on tattoo time…!

Thanks for the update. I am having a DEIP next week and my PS had told me that dog ears were just a feature of the surgery and did not mention that further surgery could reduce them. So thanks for the tip!

Hi nonsuch, thanks for sharing this information. I had a DIEP recon in April 2012 and I am now on the waiting list for a nipple recon. I also have been advised that I would benefit from some LipoFil as there is a bit of a ‘dip’ in my breast, and waiting for a date for that too - although they will do them both at the same time. At this moment in time, I’m not sure if I want any more surgery, but thought I would go on the waiting list as I may change my mind when the actual appointment comes through. I have heard that lipofil takes quite a few attempts until it is successful, which is one of the reasons for my apprehension, due to my fear of general anaesthetics!
Can I please ask, do you still have any pain in your reconstructed breast? The side of my breast is quite tender still most of the time. I also get twinges of pain inside my breast (a bit like I have just been ‘flicked’ inside, quite a strange sensation!). At my last appointment, I mentioned this to the PS and was told that it was most likely due to the breast ‘knitting’ together and it was a good sign. Did you experience anything like this?

Be Strong - just a note for you, I haven’t ended up with dog ears, so it doesn’t happen all of the time :slight_smile: Good luck to you though and I hope all goes well. I did a load of research before I had my operation and I feel the DIEP is the best option if you have the choice, and you get a lovely flat tummy in the process (always has to be a positive to a bad situation, eh?) :slight_smile:

Hi both,

Ski girl,
I can’t say I had actual pain in my breast post surgery but it felt heavy and overstuffed though since I’ve had lipo out, it’s much better and I can’t really feel it now. Likewise my tum used to pull but the second op sorted that out.
Whether your fat dies off after lipo fill seems to vary a lot, I gather it’s more likely if you’ve had rads, but there are different techniques to improve outcomes. I know Scone has had one lipofill already and can probably tell you more about her experience if you pm her.

Be strong,
you must be v.excited now!
I’ve got a useful things list I did for my DIEP hospital stay which I’m happy to share if you email me…best wishes for the op…it will soon be in the background! I’ve also got some pics I’m happy to share if you pm me your email.

Love to both,

yeah, way to go so glad you are happy with your touch ups - all sounding good. Are you even now?

I go back in few weeks to see what they say, i have huge middle now that never used to have but like you say you notice your hips =i can deal with all those, but Im still around 2-3 cups sizes bigger on good side even after masectomy and recon to that side - looks like a reduction on the cards so I can throw away temp light prothesis - didnt want another op but hey ho, wonder if they can do my toppings at same time.
Glad you are well !! xxx

Well, Be Strong is in theatre right now, as I write, so I was pleased to have been able to give her some positive vibes and pics beforehand…I remember it’s a lonely old time in the few days just before surgery…like a phoney war…you somehow want to get on with it, yet don’t!

Lisa F, glad you’ve got another appointment coming up and hope they can come up with some suggestions for you…must be so annoying given what you’ve been through. My recon side is still a cup or two bigger, maybe it will still go down more, but the original surgeon said I could have another lipo session if it’s still overstuffed when I have it reviewed in November. I’ve got a prosthesis to pad out the good side but I’d rather be a bit smaller as I’m too short for big boobies! I’m building up to losing a few pounds so maybe that will help! And maybe lipo is on the cards for your tummy? It wasn’t at all painful on my hips, I must say.

This time a year ago I was right down in the pit of despair, the dx, lots and lots of tests that seemed never ending…then waiting for results day which was a year ago on Friday…to those still in the waiting room, what can in say but that it’s a year like no other, but you will get thro.