Post Lumpectomy Last Week


Firstly I love this app. Thank you to everyone who works so hard on it.

I had my lumpectomy and sentinel node operation last week. My biopsies had shown cancer in my lymph nodes, when I had my ultrasound done, before I had chemotherapy.
Although they removed the sentinel node they couldn’t reach the cancerous nodes which were marked with a seed.
The surgeon is talking about another operation to remove them, after meeting with my oncologist, to assess the situation.
Is this common? How long after one operation can you have surgery again? Look forward to hearing from you :smiley::heart:

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Hi espana25

Thanks for your post and feedback.

If the sentinel node contains cancer, depending on how much, another operation to remove all or some of the remaining lymph nodes may be recommended. This is not uncommon. Sometimes no further cancer is found in those removed lymph nodes.

The second operation would usually go ahead within a few weeks of initial surgery.

You may want to connect with other women who have been through this. You can post in this section of our forums and might be interested in our Someone Like Me service.

Do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information if necessary. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, If you have hearing or speech difficulties prefix our number with 18001 and the call will go through Relay UK. Our helpline has access to telephone interpreters if language translation is required.

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Best wishes


Breast Care Nurse

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