Post mastectomy 'twanging' sensation



I had a skin sparing mastectomy on my left side 3 days ago and now it has started to feel tighter and less numb. I have also started to experience what feels likes a muscular ‘twanging’ (sorry, can’t think of a better way of explaining it) sensation across my chest when I reach out with my left arm or when I try to turn over in bed or shift into a more comfy position on the settee etc.  Is this normal?


I have been careful in not using that arm to do anything strenuous, in fact the only thing I have really used it for is carrying my drain about, lifting cups and eating etc.  I’ve also been doing my exercises etc (shoulder rolls, elbow lifts etc) and made sure I’ve not tried to reach behind me or lift my arm above my head.  My physio made it clear that if I strain the muscles before they have knitted it will cause long terms problems and I’m worried that I may have done something to damage them perhaps when I was asleep or by getting up off the settee wrong etc.


I am having a dermal flap reconstruction and have an expander fitted.

Hi Tatty27

Sorry that you havent had a reply yet, hopefully someone will be along soon to offer and share support.

In the meantime, please do give our support line 0808 800 6000 a call as they will definately be able to help you.

Best wishes
Digital Community Officer


it could be cording, I had mastectomy only and my cording sometimes ‘twangs’. You could ask to see a physio again.

Hope its all improving.
