I had a mastectomy on the 26th January and then developed a haemotoma I also had lymph nodes removed during the first op. My arm is really sore - hard pain to explain - but my skin is really sore and sensitive - any ideas as even wearing clothes is uncomfortable? I am also on iron tablets which I am not keen on taking and wandered if there is an alternative?
Hi GeorgieB
I had mastectomy and all lymph nodes removed on 23rd January, thats 3 weeks on Monday. Was doing really well until about 10 daysago when I started getting the same pain you describe. Right round the arm pit and underneath.It’s nerve pain and like you am finding clothes uncomfortable. Docotr has put me on amitryptaline which makes me very sleepy.Will also be good to hear from anyone who has gone through this. Sorry don’t know about the iron apart from spinach etc!! Take care, Maggie May
I had a mastectomy and all lymph nodes removed on 20th December 2011. I took Tramadol when the pain was bad and wore soft vest tops with my “softie” in place and light loose tops. I found sitting with a cusion supporting my arm help and gentle stroking massages (always from your hand upwards)
Georgie I too find clothes against my skin very uncomfortable especially a bra. Even now six months after my surgery I am very tender over my ribs because of lymphoedema . I ordered an Amoena Tee shirt top with built in pockets one size too large so it would be loose around the chest. It arrived today. The backing for the pocket is a soft cotton so for the first time I wore a softie with no discomfort even after a long walk. I have now ordered one in every colour because it was so good not to have a raw tender feeling. They are actually not much more expensive than a bra to buy, and most of them have nylon pocket backings. I used to think patients who didn’t want to wear a silicone prosthesis a bit odd, but now I know why.
Under my arms were very numb and swollen so I use a natural sponge to wash. I couldn’t bear to touch my axillas for some time without it. The horrible feeling is a lot better now but I too use amitriptyline because it is nerve end pain causing the pains over my ribs. It takes a while to work but no longer causes sleepiness.
I hope your discomfort lifts soon
Thank you I will go online and look at the Amoena t.shirts
Supertrouper and Cackles, thank you also for this info, will also look for the tee shirts. Have also read on here that silk tops help!
Was going to stop the amitryptaline as was dozy and it didn’t seem to be working but hadn’t realised it takes time to work.
Goergie B, hope you get some relief from the burning pain soon.
Maggie May XX