post menopausal bleeding anyone ?

I had breast cancer last year & had a total mastectomy. I am in the process of reconstruction at the moment.

I am 48 and am post menopause, my last period being 5 and a half years ago. 

Last week I started to have watery, blood tinged discharge and lower back pain in the morning. I saw my gp today & she swabbed for infection but doesn’t think it is as I have no itching or bad odour. She has referred me as urgent for a transvaginal scan and possible hysteroscopy depending on the scan results. She tried to do a smear test as well, but I was in too much pain when she attempted to insert the speculum  which worried me somewhat as Im usually fine. She mentioned womb cancer as a possibility & I am now really worried. 

Has anyone else experienced this at all?

Hi cath
I am sorry to read that you have this worry, our helpliners are on hand with support for you on 0808 800 6000. Lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 10-2 so please feel free to call to,talk your concerns over

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi, was reading your post , I had a very similar experience two years ago. two years after my breast surgery  for breast cancer. I was referred to gynecologist, they found fibrosis on my ovaries, so we decided at my age 54 to go for a hysterectomy, I believe it was a result of taking Tamoxifen. hope this helps.

I think I am having a similar problem. I am post menopausal - no period for 3 years, on tamoxifen after mx 18 months ago and been bleeding fairly heavily for the last 3 days. My GP is referring me to a gyn for further investigation. I’m 55.

Hi, I only found out I was post menopausal this year. I have been on tamoxifen two and half years. Last week I had a period which I had not experience since starting my chemo back in February 2012. i had an urgent referral and they have said my endometrium looks good no signs of thickening which is a good sign. I was offered a hysteroscopy but just to put my mind at rest not because I needed one. I have declined this time unless I get more bleeding. Confused if I have done the right thing and considering an oomph rectory to reduce my risk of ovarian cancer. I am going to do some research. Hope this helps anyone reading this. Feel free to private message me anytime x

I had slight bleeding and went to Chelsea and Westminster Hospital gynae clinic. At first they thought it was vaginal atrophy and prescribed vagifem tablets.


I didn’t think it was that so I had a hysteroscopy and I had two fibroids which they tried to get rid of but one wouldn’t go as it was firmly attached and in an awkward place. But since I had this treatment I have had no further bleeding. I was 54 when I went through the menopause and 57 or so when I had the bleeding.


I’m now 59. Fibroids tend to shrink the longer past the menopause you are. Hysterectomies seem to be rare these days. I wasn’t keen on having a major op although I’m a bit scared of uterine cancer which is more common if you’ve had tamoxifen but it’s still rare. I’m at slightly higher risk as I haven’t had children either.


Regards Seagulls