it is now 18 days since my Mx. I was fine to start with -could wear bras ( inc underwired) but then I got a seroma. I have had it drained twice. Last time was last weds. But now it seems to have increased again, but the pain I’m getting is horrible. It’s like bee stings from time to time, but the whole area has become so so,sensitive that I can’t bear anything touching my skin ( PJs tops etc) and any sort of bra is totally out of the question. Im assuming the bee sting like pains are prob nerve pains but why the sudden extreme sensitivity. I’m due back to work on thurs but no way can I wear any clothing for a whole day. Is this normal to become so sore and sensitive nearly 3 weeks later. My wound is completely healed and doesn’t look inflected at all, but the far extremes of my wound absolutely burn too. It’s starting to get me down as no matter what pain killers I take I can’t get any relief.
Sorry to moan, just wondered if anyone had something similar
love LS
Hi LS,
my Mx was four weeks ago. I developed cording after two weeks, so am now struggling to regain the movement I had shortly after my op, and also have skin sensitivity and extreme tightening across scar from Mx and ANC. I was told the shock like pains are the nerves attempting to knit together, and have had some of these but not as many as i was expecting. I presume all this is normal, but it would be good if we were given more information about what we can expect. Most of what I do know is from reading these forums.
Hi Littlescoot, I did’t know I had a small seroma till a few days ago but don’t think it caused the pain I had after my Mastectomy. The suction from the drain was irritating a nerve and was a bit better when i got rid of that after a bout a week but a week or so later it flared up again for some reason. If I remember correctly the pain I had was across the chest and down the top half of the arm and around the back, I absolutely hated wearing any clothes as my skin felt raw - I described it has feeling like somebody had sand papered my nerves it felt so bad. I realised it had improved when I no longer preferred chemo to this! (Had chemo first) The look on the surgeons face was a picture when I told her! Think mine got really sensitive quite quickly, was quite bad for a bit but was at a bearable level by the time i went back to work after 6 weeks (they had started using finer sandpaper). By the time I started radio, think 8 weeks after surgery I felt pretty normal again.
The improvement was very slow and hard to notice the difference from day to day, however it did get there. Must admit painkillers didn’t do much for me either, but I still had some liquid Morphine they had given me while on the chemo so I used that which helped a bit. I would ask your surgeon for some reassurance that your pain is normal and if it is then some better painkillers are in order I think.
Really hope somebody can give you some answers and something for the pain, in a few weeks this part of the nightmare will be fading into the background. (Failing painkillers don’t forget the power of possitive thinking… That can cure anything right?..)
hi there. I had MX and ANC 15 days ago. I have a lump of fluid under my arm which is extremely painful. Had it drained last Thursday but am reluctant to go Back as surely it will just fill up again. Also sore in arm pit.
So sore - feels like burning and is soooo sensitive all down my side. Yes - raw is how i would describe it. It hurts to move. Have to walk real slow. Paracetamol and ibuprofen dont stop fhe pain.
Wearing just a baggy vest and huge zip up fleece.
it is getting me down now. My scar is healing nicely. But was not expecting this soreness at all. The nurse who drained it said it was quite normal and to go back to get drained if was too painful. Said the swelling would eventually go as my body re- absorbed the fluid.
Thinking bout going to see my GP tomorrow to ask for different pain relief. Got Rads to come next and I can’t imagine getting burns from that on top of this pain.
I had mine drained a couple of times before different nurse said to leave it as it would just keep producing more fluid. I was a bit naffed off as it was very uncomfortable but it did start to re absorb very slowly over the next few days. That was December and now all good with full movement following radical mx and full anc. x
Hi there
I had my mx just over a year ago and had exactly the same things you’re describing i.e. seroma, nerve pain, sensitivity. I couldn’t wear a bra for at least 6 weeks and even then could only tolerate one for a few hours a day if I was lucky. However, the nerve pain and sensitivity did settle after a few months but it takes time. Even now by the end of the day I just have to remove my bra and get my pj’s on because it feels a bit sensitive along the rib but isn’t too bad.
It may be that you need to get a different type of painkiller from your GP to help you through this phase, one that targets nerve pain. With regards seromas, well, I needed mine draining twice but after that my body gradually reabsorbed the fluid.
With regards work, I had 6 months off as emotionally I needed this time but even phsically I don’t think I could have gone back until after 3 months at least.
Jane x
i had mx, anc and expander implant 19 days ago and have had to have it drained once and they are going to drain again tomorrow, my consultant said he will drain as often as I need to keep me comfortable. The sensitivity in the skin I only get when it is tight over the fluid so recommend keeping the fluid as low as possible as for me that works! your GP should be able to give you pain killers that are strong enough to take away all the pain and while you are going through all this take them, it will help you feel better if you aren’t in pain.
Thank you everyone for all your Replies and personal experiences- Very reassuring. Raw and burning is exactly how it feels. Glad im normal Have booked into the clinic again today for seroma drainage and have just phoned GP to see if I can get any different painkillers apart from tramadol and paracetamol.
LS xx
Update: gp has prescribed me gabapentin and in laws are taking me to the clinic ( they were over the moon to be asked as they feel they are doing something useful to help-bless them) so hopefully by tonight I might feel like a new woman lol xx
Hi LS, Hope the meds work for you and things improve. And many thanks to everyone who replied. Good to know there is some prospect of a light at the end of the tunnel (which doesn’t turn out to come from an oncoming train).
Hi Littlescoot,
Haven’t been on the forurm for a while but just caught your posting. Hope the pain has eased by now and your feeling more yourself. I have been drained once so far and the nurse told me they don’t like to drain unless you are really uncomfortable and in pain. So I still have some numbness under my arm and a build up of fliud which I am trying to cope with. I have an appointment on the 12th April for my result from my mx surgery so I will ask them if they can drain the fluid or should I just bear with it. I find my exercises help a little but by the evening I am ready for my PJ’s and just sitting down because not moving seems to ease the nerve pain running down the back of my arm and ribs by my wound (although my wound is healing well). My BCN said the sensitivity is the nerves re-contecting and with time this will ease and not be afraid to take my pain killers. Thats my experience so far and it seems I am not alone. Hope you start feeling better soon. Lots of hugs. xxx
Angela (Elliedog).
Littlescoot - the Gabapentin takes a week or more to kick in, so be patient. They also may need to increase the dose - often they start you off on a low dose and build it up. Make sure you ask. How much are you on? Also be sure to keep it clean and miosturised with a unperfumed cream like E45. This is to make sure the skin stays intact and infection does not get in. I’m sure you know this already, hope it starts to improve soon, xxx
Hi Littlescoot, just to say that I struggled with nerve pain at about the same time as you. When I saw my BCN a week ago (so 5 weeks after MX) she asked how I was doing with it and I said it was much better. She asked what had helped to relieve the pain and I told her I thought it was simply time - she nodded rather wisely. I think sometimes if you know that a pain is temporary then it makes it easier to bear. I hope the meds are working for you.