Post op day 12 and pea size lump growing daily on scar?

I had a excision for DCIS, 27 November 2012, consultant said usually just a lumpectomy is needed, had 17mm DCIS, Grade 2, intermediat growth, vomited none stop for 9 days post op, plaster came off after day 10 and scar flat and looking fairly good, Saw consultant same day and he said that they did not get clear margines and re-excision is needed, he did not say much else I was too shell shocked because I had only just stopped vomiting and had managed to keep some water down for the first time in days and then face having to go through it all again was the last thing I needed to hear. As I cant have rads due to complex medical problems they want to take much larger margin than usual this time because of not being able to have rads., I would rather have a mastectomy but not really given a choice at this stage. I notice a hard lump growning at the end of the scar since Friday it is not red, uncomfortble or painful just hard and now pea size seems to be growing each day. Has anyone had this happen before I dont think its infection as wound is healed, I can’t imagine that it can be DCIS as it is growning so fast and near the skin. If they have to re-excision I guess it might be invasive and not confined to the ducks I was still so ill and forgot to ask. I am going to ask for my path results next time to see exactly what they found as the team did not give me much information, maybe waiting for it to sink in.

Hi mia.sharma and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the valuable support and shared experiences you will find here our helpliners are on hand with a listening ear, further support and information so please do call if you need to talk any concerns over, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturday on 0808 800 6000

The following link will take you to the BCC ‘Just diagnosed’ information page where you will find more support ideas and information about DCIS which you may find helpful:\_source=Homepage&%3Butm\_medium=help\_you&%3Butm\_campaign=diagnosis

Take care


Hi Mia Sharma, Sorry to hear your news coupled with your nausea. Was that due to worry and anaesthetic or did you have a tummy bug? i have beendiagnosed with Multi DCIS, I have had two stereotactic core biopsies and the 2nd one is still sore and has a lump beneath the skin. I have since had a SLN biopsy thankfully clear results but the pain is still coming from the lump of the biopsy site now nearly 4 weeks ago. My consultant said the pain is down to bad bruising And blood collection neath the skin. I am having a mastectomy and immediate reconstruction (probably LD flapprocedure although still undecided fully) early January. When you next speak to the consultant, i would ask him if a mastectomy could be offered! explain to him your concerns. when is your next appointment. Keep strong and sending you a big hug to help you through this difficult time. Xxxxx