post op pain


been a while since i have been on here thankfully! I had had benign fibrodenoma removed jan 08. still getting burning sensation around the scar area. this was how the lump was originally found by scan as i didnt feel it just had burning pain.

went back in summer to see consultant who scanned again - all ok and said it should settle down.

still having same problem and don’t want to bother him again in case I being paranoid

has anyone else experienced problems a year after the op?

hi, i too had a fibroadenoma removed 8 months ago and still get a burning sensation where the lump used to be.i’ve been to see my gp twice since
due to this and concerns over what i now know is thickened scar tissue.if i remember rightly the burning sensation is something to do with the nerve endings.
hope this helps. kelly x

hi kelly

thanks for this. helps to know someone else having same symptoms.

went back to see consultant as pain persisted. there was another lump but again benign - i must just be a “lumpy” sort of person i guess - lol! still it has put my mind at rest so i would recommend anyone worried to get anything unusual checked out.