Hi All,
My surgery is still a couple of months away, and have some questions about after effects I was hoping to get answered?
I am having expander implants and I feel a bit weird about an implant being put behind the chest muscle, and the idea that it will be pushing my muscle out un-naturally. How does this feel short and long term? Is it painfull or uncomfortable?
Will I be able to sleep on my front again?
I am also starting to feel a little anxious about how I will feel emotionally, do any of you have regrets? Or feel less womanly. I have been thinking about what if I am left disfigured, or really unhappy with the result?
None of these concerns are obviously enough to not have the surgery, based on my family history, would just like to be as prepared in my mind as I can be. And have some of your perspectives on things. Don’t think I should have watched the embarassing bodies thing on breasts!!!
Please add anything else that you feel would be helpful.
Hi Sue
Whilst you are waiting for the other forum users to reply with their experience and advice please feel free to use our ask the nurse email service or contact the helpline with your concerns. Details of the ask the nurse service can be found at breastcancercare.org.uk/content.php?page_id=119 and the helpline number is
0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.
I hope you find this helpful.
Kind regards
Hi Carol,
Im having my operation on 16th May - so in 2 weeks it’ll all be over… i too have had these thoughts and feelings so would be interested to see other people’s responses.
I am v nervous about having the operation as i have never had one before or been an in-patient but i am most worried about how it will look afterwards as i am having my nipples removed too and not sure how the implants will sit / look. I am 30 years old and have been with my boyfriend for just over 4 years… he says he is not worried about it as long as i am ok but i am sure i will feel extremely self conscious infront of him and am worried that i’ll be horrified everytime i look down!!! i have been assured in these forums and by my breast nurse that it will not be as bad as i am imagining and that women are pleasantly surprised!!!
I sleep on my front too and so think i wont get any sleep for thr first few weeks until i get used to it - id be interested to know if i’ll ever be able to sleep on my front (or even sides again due to the nozel which will be connected to the implant which will be just under the skin).
I feel silly asking such questions in clinic as i know other women actually have breast cancer and this is the least of their worries! so in that respect i am lucky.
Hi Emma J,
Not too long now then!!! I also use a different web site for questions ect…and they have a photo album of other womans recons. The pics I have seen look really good. Some of the recons have been done keeping the nipple, and some without. I think the ones without naturally a bit weird, but the nipple recons I have also seen look great too. But all the other women say that during this build up before is the most anxious time, and after they have a tremendous relief.
I am sure you are the same, as you wouldn’t be in this position making the choice to have this op. But I have had to deal with so much already in my life, I honestly feel like there isn’t anything I couldn’t get over! But as always it is the not knowing that makes me feel so nervous.
My partner says he has no concerns about how I will look after too, he has seen my sister die due to BC so he knows how real this is and I suppose he wants me to do what will hopefully safeguard my future. But I truly believe neither of us will know how we will feel until after.
I know what you mean about asking too many questions in clinic, as they deal with mostly ladies who have BC. Which is why these sites are so great for guilt free questions even if you think they are silly. I am 32 and have a little girl who will be 2 soon. I breast fed her until 11 months aswell, but have got over not being able to do that again. I am sure I will feel a little sad when the time comes again and won’t have the choice.
Where are you having your surgery? as for the sleeping on your front, most of the ladies have said they haven’t been able to sleep on their fronts mostly due to being uncomfortable. Maybe yo could look at getting a body pillow. It really helped when I was pregnant, I couldn’t sleep on my front then either.
Above everything else I think we need to remember why we are doing this, and be glad that we are getting the choice.
Talk soon
Hi Carol,
Im having my surgery at Addenbrookes which is about an hour away from where I live so ive been making many journeys up the M11 in the last few weeks! Im going to have an MRI scan on Thursday just to make sure that all is OK before the op but they arent expecting any problems so fingers crossed.
My sister has 2 small children so i did think about borrowing her pregnancy pillow for a while to see if it helped when I got home. Whats the other website youve been on - i’d be interested to see some pics post op as the only ones ive seen have been after nipple recon etc.
I know what you mean re: us having a choice… im 100% sure my mum would have jumped at the chance of this surgery so i feel very lucky that i am the first generation in my family to have it and hopefully benefit from it. I hope to start a family next year and then in my mid 30’s i plan to have my ovaries removed to reduce that risk too (are you a BRCA1 carrier too?).
Take care
Hi Emma,
I am in Milton Keynes, Addenbrookes is Cambridge isn’t it? You say an hour away, closer or further away to MK? I am having my surgery at the Royal Marsden Sutton, Surrey. It should have been in London, but you probably saw that it had a big fire just after christmas.
I also would like another baby next year, although my surgeon said I could try only after three months!! Not sure about that. Katie is also BRCA1 and has been told to have her ovaries out by 40.
I couldn’t be tested because all my affected relatives have died and no tissue was saved. My risk is based on family history alone. I don’t think I said I am also having my nipples removed too. Has your sister been tested too?
Have you been happy with your treatment so far? It is a difficult thing to get to grips with. I don’t know about you, but I have days where I wish this could be happening to someone else. But other days I feel really positive about what I am doing, and unconcerned about what the end result would be. I just look at my beautiful nephews and my little girl and remember what life was like growing up without a mum, and I hope by doing what I will be, will stop history repeating itself. Although I also know long term it is still a gamble.
It is great that I have others in the same position to share their stories and experiences. I had never used forums before, but I am so glad I started using these as I probably would have gone crazy be now. Sorry for going on, I had a glass of wine
Hi Carol,
Yes, my sister has been tested - she doesnt have the gene which is good news…
Yes, addenbrookes is cambridge - i live in peterborough so not far from MK either but addenbrookes has a great reputation so im pleased to have it there - i could have had it in peterborough but think i’ll be getting more / better service in cambs.
I know what you mean re: the forums - even saying what you should take into hospital with you has been mentioned by others and hints and tips so thats good - anything to help!
Must go for now but will log on again after my mri scan on thurs.
Take care, enjoy the wine!!!