Post op results today

Well I had my 3 week post op appointment this morning, surgeon said it was good news, tumour completely removed, clear margins and nothing in the 3 lymph nodes, wow, that’s a huge relief :slight_smile: He was pleased with with how the wound was healing, there is a seroma, which he said will slowly disappear (I noticed some swelling last week and after a long walk, it had started to reduce), the nurse gave me some wipes to remove the glue, I’m hoping that will make the would not look as puckered. I forgot to ask when I can start to apply Bio Oil, so if anyone could let me know that would be great.

I was almost on a high, feeling pretty chuffed with myself and the surgeon for kicking cancer in the butt, until he said because I’m triple negative, then I will definitely be having chemo/radiotherapy :frowning: I should be seeing oncology in a couple of weeks. I think I’m a bit more mentally prepared now because of all you lovely people who have shared your experience but it still seems a scary time ahead. I guess it’s back to reading your posts again and getting tips on how to prepare… oh boy realy not looking forward to this.


I’m like you TNBC, lump out, reconstructive surgery margins clear, 4 nodes clear and then the shock of chemo I always knew radio was likely but if the margins and nodes were clear Chemo was just skirted around but then bang your having Chemo it was a shock but I’m 11 weeks into chemo now and you just get on with it, I don’t know how but you do.
I find drinking lots of water helps. I’m cool capping so I take paracetamol just before and make sure you have some thing soft placed on your forehead. I live in comfy clothes and I use moogoo creams, washes ,shampoo as everything feels a bit more sensitive. The steroids make my face very hot and red for 24 hours after so theses creams have helped me. My hospital gave me leaflets about charities that are there to help and send nice helpful things out I’ve used Little Lifts charity I’ve been on workshops held by Maggie’s Charity (look good feeling better)
And (Hair loss work shop) I’ve really enjoyed all these as it’s quite a lonely process even though I’ve got an excellent partner, family and friends it’s not the same as being around people who are going through the same thing and really understand how you are feeling.
I also have a picc line in place this was a challenge for me and I didn’t want it but weighing up pros and cons I went for it you do get used to it but my one bit of advice regarding that is don’t go home after a dressing change if it doesn’t feel comfortable I’m not very good at advocating for myself and I would go home knowing it’s too tight or something wasn’t right and I’d be uncomfortable for a week till my next dressing change, now I say ‘can you please do that again’ it might be they have put the dressing too high or too tight. Good Luck with everything you’ll be well looked after and Chemo will be over before you know it I’m on 16 treatments over twenty weeks I can’t believe I’ve just had number 11 already xxx


Thank you for the tips @stevie-puggle Ive got my surgery box from Little Lifts, so I will be requesting the chemo?radiotherapy boxes too. I wont be cold capping, I havnt seen it mentioned on here but my breast care nurse said there is a drawback to using it, as it can prevent the chemo from getting to the brain, my mum had breast cancer and finally a brain tumour, so I don’t want to take the risk. Well done on getting this far with your treatment, I hope you’re not having too many side effects xx

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