Hi ladies, I had my lumpectomy and some lymph nodes removed about a month ago. I have noticed a slight swealling in my upper chest and neck almost like vaines. Just wondering if this is normal? Probably panicking over nothing just worried that’s all.
Hi kt23,
I can only offer my advice! I has snb and wle. I didn’t have swelling after a month it was fine. I did hasve problems after anc.
I would ring your bcn in the morning and ask the question! If you are worried call them that’s what they are there for!
Like Fran says its always best to get any thing new checked out… It could be some type of cording but you really are best to get somebody to look at it.
As others have said, if you are worried, it’s best to get this checked out, do contact your medical team to discuss this or, alternatively, give the Helpline a call to talk things through with them, they’re on 0808 800 6000 and are open 9-5 weekdays and 9-2 on Saturday.