Post reconstruction infection? But weekend and clinic closed!

Hello all
I had a single mastectomy and reconstruction 11 days ago. I had the second drain out yesterday and all looked fine but the evening my breast looks red and warm to the touch. Really worried it’s an infection but as it’s now the weekend I have no way of speaking to the clinic until Monday. I think I need to get it checked out but should I call 111 or do you think I should go straight to A&E? I don’t want to be dramatic about it but I think it’s better to act sooner rather than later isn’t it??
Thank you

Firstly, I hope all is well and that it’s just some post surgery swelling and tenderness. I’ve had quite a bit of swelling and my new ‘boob’ is still very sore to touch and I had CT scan while still in hospital which was clear and saw nurse yesterday and she’s not concerned. However, I was told that day or night I could phone the ward where I was treated post surgery if I had any worries or concerns. Seems crazy to have to wait til Monday and my worry would be that GP or A+E doctors wouldnt be specialised enough to know if it’s an infection or haematoma or how to treat it. Good luck. fx

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Don’t wait. The NHS has an agreement with the surgeons that they will cover weekends. We’ve asked the exact same question as my op is on Thursday and I was worried about this. I’d go to the A and E of your hospital and explain. We pay enough into the system. Don’t feel like you’re being an inconvenience ( easy for me to say ) Hope all is good

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Just wondering how you got on? Hope you’re feeling better and on the mend. @tweety1 x

@fubc Thank you so much for checking in. I spoke to one of the nurses at breast cancer now and spoke about my symptoms so I then kept a watch for any change over the weekend (she suggested taking a pic of my breast so I could see any changes). Nothing changed so I don’t think it’s infection just changes due to healing and drain being removed. If I’m honest I think I’m a bit over anxious at the moment so panicked a bit on Friday night. Am seeing the consultant today for a proper check. I really appreciated your late night response to me - I felt much less alone xxx

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That’s good news. To be honest I thought there was something wrong with mine the other day too as it was rock solid and very tender to touch. Had appointment to have dressings changed and nurse said it was all fine. but I have to massage it - no oils yet until fully healed but gentle manipulation of the swollen bits. She said to expect some leaking as the swelling is due to build up of fluid since drains were removed. Sure enough after a day or so I could feel the difference as it started to leak :nauseated_face: Amazing the relief I felt. Boob is still black, blue and tender but definitely better. Hope you continue to improve x