Hi, I’m 2 weeks post surgery and look to be healing well. My breasts seem to change a bit everyday in appearance. However I am concerned I have developed a lump near my sternum where the strattice is very tight. I felt a straining feeling when I was feeling energetic today an lifted some coat hangers with dresses out of my wardrobe. I’d love to hear from anyone who’s experienced lumps and lines from strattice. Will they settle down? Or have I damaged them? Thanks x
Hi there. I’m at almost six months post- strattice implant. I’m sure at two weeks I was still quite swollen and felt tight although not particularly sore. I certainly don’t think things had settled by then.
As the months have gone on, I’ve noticed “lines” particularly on the outside of the breast which I suspect are part of the strattice supporting structure. I notice this more in bed if I’m lying on my left side (my recon is on the right). I found these lines a bit alarming the first time I felt them but when I saw my surgeon a few weeks ago he had a good investigate and said that everything seemed fine.
I definitely think you will notice changes over the months to come and will feel different things. Call your BCN if you are worried or in pain but I think you are probably still so close to the original surgery that you are bound to feel odd sensations from time to time.
I am very pleased with the way my reconstruction has gone and it’s definitely softened a little over the last month or two. I hope things go well for you.
Ruth xx
That’s nice to know. Thank-you. Glad you are doing well. I felt like I’d pulled something, it’s weekend, and I’ll be calling my BCN in the morning. Xx
Let us know how you get on. Fingers crossed that everything will be fine for you. xx