Hi all,
I had a skin sparing mastectomy, with node clearance and reconstruction using an expanded last Monday. I’ve already had 6 rounds of chemo and have rads after the expander is fully inflated. My under arm android cage is really sore any ideas when I should feel slightly more normal/less pain? Any advice welcome about what I should/shouldn’t do. X
Hi, I had mx, recon and full node clearance sept last year. I’m sorry I can’t remember exactly how long it took to feel better but I was driving and doing yoga within three weeks.
Most important to keep doing exercises your hospital should have given you, and if it hurts take enough pain relief to allow you to do them - that’s what I was told anyway!
Hmm I wasn’t given any exercises?! X
Call your BCN nmt - it’s shoulder shrugging and circling, general stuff to get the range of movement back. Especially important if you’re going to have radiotherapy.
Recovery is such a personal thing that I don’t think timings necessarily compare. I think it took me 5-6 weeks to feel able to do all the things I would normally do. I had a mx on my right side with reconstruction using a tissue expander.and a sentinel node biopsy. Because it was my dominant side there were things that I didn’t have the arm strength to do like chopping carrots which were surprisingly hard. It is early days for you so be kind to yourself and give yourself recovery time. The muscle stretching gave me a very odd feeling at times in those early weeks too but it passes and as my surgeon loves to remind me it’s an emotional journey too which takes its toll even for those of us who are used to being very resilient. You will feel better soon and although it may feel like ages now when you look back it won t have been very long. I had my mx in early February and was back at work part time travelling from the Midlands up and down to London and Manchester on the train in early April. I didn’t have to have chemo or radio. Look after yourself and listen to your body. I found myself very tired for several months and I hadn’t had chemo!
Kate x
Hi all, thank you so much for your replies, I have an appointment in Wednesday so I might get some exercises then. Thank you for reply Kate48 I feel better knowing that it is ok to take time to recover. Having a 16month old at home certainly makes things a challenge and has made me realise how much I used to do! Xx