post taxotere

post taxotere

post taxotere Please help if possible has anyone else experienced long lasting weakness in legs after chemo?I can only walk a few yards,my hips and knees ache and I cant force extra steps or I’d fall over.I really hoped I’d be getting some normality by now my last taxotere was 10th May and started rads 23rd.Only this awful weakness and residual numbness in toes and fingers.I’ll speak to doc next week but would like to know I’m not alone.Thank you lol Val

Hi,I had the numbness in my toes after chemo finished and it’s taken best part of three years to go completely!My feet hurt and I’d be really stiff getting out of bed in the mornings,I had awful backache and was dx with bursitis in my shoulder - I felt like an old woman! It all got gradually better until after about a year when I was back to normal.

Hi Val

A lady I had rads with had similar problems and had to have a special contraption to help her on and off the rads table.

She thought it may be because she’s having Zoldex injections but the doctor said it’s definitely a legacy of the taxotere and, for some reason, it just affects some people worse than others.

I finished taxotere in January and I am still stiff. Sometimes my knees give way when I stand up. One day last week my fiance had to help me sit up to get out of bed. I also have a little tingling in my toes.

They do say it gets better with time but maybe a visit to a physiotherapist will help.


Sorry you so achy Horace. I am a lot better this week. Taste buds still not right and numbness in toes and fingers. Tiredness is not as it. was. Hope your legs improve soon. Love Eileen

thanks everyone glad you are better eileen,how are your eyes?I’m seeing onc thurs re legs but I think they are a little better Val