Post traumatic stress disorder

Just found a study, a German one I think that only used 166 participants aged 65 and under that suggested around 80% of people with breast cancer suffered from post traumatic stress disorder between  diagnosis and the start of treatment.

the paper has been archived as it was done some time ago and the research journal indicates that it is no longer relevant as it’s not up to date, but interesting nevertheless…

While a full diagnosis of PTSD after a breast cancer diagnosis was rare, a German study has found that 82.5% of women diagnosed with early-stage disease had symptoms of PTSD between the time they were diagnosed and the start of treatment. The research was published online on Feb. 22, 2016 by the journal Psycho-Oncology. Read the abstract of “Clinically assessed post-traumatic stress in patients with breast cancer during the first year after diagnosis in the prospective, longitudinal, controlled COGNICARES study.” The study included 166 women age 65 or younger who had been recently diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Over the next year, the researchers evaluated the women for PTSD symptoms three times: after diagnosis but before treatment started after chemotherapy was completed

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