Post Traumatic Stress

I have been diagnosed with it. Explains why I have been feeling the way I have etc. Anyone else? I am on Happy Pills and have to ‘talk’ to someone. Sometimes it feels like I take 2 steps forward and five steps backwards.

hi I too suffer from pts, it was severe but after 13 years do have it completely under control without medication. It was not linked at all to my bc which was diagnosed last Nov. and I have almost finished chemo and managed to keep it in control.
But I am worried when this is over how I will cope.
It is so important to be able to open up and talk honestly to someone that you trust.
It is a relief isn’t it to understand why you have been feeling or behaving in such a way?
I do wish you well and remember that every step forward is helping you and part of the healing progress. The steps backwards are part of the illness and will not always be with you.
with hugs

Hi both Im on happy pills too only wasnt too happy today have broke down twice in work this week whats happening to me really thought I was over the worst andgot it under control I was looked at like some sort of freak it just takes over me anmd I flip …will prob get the sack monday !!
Maz xxx

Hi Boo,
Sorry to hear you are still feeling lousy. I remember your posts from last year you were so funny and upbeat really cheered me up. i don’t know anything about PTS I’m afraid but i’ve been having panic attacks recently and was advised to see a hyponatherapist - thought it was a waste of money at the time but it does actually seemed to have helped. hope things improve for you soon

Hi Maz, what you are going through sounds frightening. I can recall this happening to me, I thought I was mad and bad!
Do you know what has caused you to feel like this. Is it chemical imbalance, what’s happening now, what’s happened in the past? I feel until you understand this you can’t begin to make peace with yourself.
Could you not ask for time off work to give yourself some space?
As for freaky, well we know your not…and to those that think so their turn may come!!
I wish you peace, keep going perhaps this week was just a hiccup and now you’ll be back in control this next.
with hugs

Hi Margaret …got even better today dropped a cup of coffee on my clean white T shirt today and burst into tears !!!
I sometimes feel like i am going mad it just overtakes me and I flip …the girls I work with are good ut even sometimes they dont know what to do
I hope that thjis week is because I have the results of an MRI hanging over me and physically have been feeling bad … I call the breast nurse and I feel like a hypochondriac sick of being told I look fabulous how brave I ma blah blah blah xxx when basically i feel like C ***p

Hi Mazaroo
Have you had the results of your test yet? I hope that this goes well for you.
It does niggle me being told that I am brave. I mean we’ve not got any alternative than to go through all this have we?
I’ve been diagnosed with diabetes this week, although my consultant believes it to be a result of steroids. I feel beaten.

Hi mararetr got my results today … the reason for allmy pain in my op area
a chest arm etc is NOT Cancer spread …Bonus but is due to a fall I had just after my op I have to have see a neurosurgeon as I have dsplaced two discs quite serious apparently but now i know is nothing sinister I can put up with the pain xxxxxxx
Soz to hear your diagnosis its never ending is it …lol :slight_smile:

Hi Mazaroo,
Thank goodness the pain is not due to the spread of the cancer. No wonder you have been beside yourself with such a worry hanging over you. Are you feeling any more settled now?
You are right it is never ending. I have found myself driving to the local hosp. 2 or 3 am on two mornings this week because my blood sugar levels were dangerously high. I think trying to drive there might be even more dangerous!! Anyway I’m giving up and am only going to go if i feel really ill. When I asked what I should look out for as a warning they said only others would be able to tell. Well, I spoke to my cats but they were not very forthcoming.
What is going to happen for the discs?
Diagnosed with cancer is enough to cope with without anything else.
Hold on in there

hi everyone i thought i was really alone with my panic attacks and tears but after reading what you are all saying things seem a bit better.

Hi pacey your certainly not alone in this. It can be a lonely and frightening place to be can’t it? Especially if you don’t understand what’s happening. But you are not alone. Keep in touch


I am not sure whether this is the same thing, but I feel that I’ve lost all my confidence since my second dx some 3 years ago. I was fine at first, just getting on with evrything, but the longer I am now down the line, the worse I am. I hate driving now - feel I am swimming in a soup of anxiety and have wondered on occasions whether I should drive at all. I also cannot stand crowds of people or a lot of noise any longer. I used to be a very active, social person and although never a very keen driver, always drove around everywhere without giving it much thought. I had a pretty bad year sofar as I had two major scares, which thankfully turned out not to be not cancerous, but my nerves are shot with all the worry etc. I just feel that this whole thing is never going to end. I have also been diagnosed with thyroid problems and they just can’t get the dosage of my meds right. I was underactive (have Hashimoto disease), then the values were going up and down like a jojo, and I am now over active. Meds have yet again been changed, but I wonder whether some of my problems are due to that rather than the BC. But I do know where you are all coming from, it never seems to go away! My OH is also getting more and more fed up with me. He was extremely supportive at first, but I am no longer the wife he married - we had only been married for 1 year when I was dx - and he is losing patience, which does not help at all. I’ve had counselling which seemed to help for a while, but must say that I generally feel like a completely different person from the old me.

I think (and hope) that this is just a bad phase and I’ll come out ok the other side and hope the same goes for all of you too.


Dear Birgit I understand what you are feeling and I havenot gone hrough as much as you. this morning i just sat and cried why i do not know just felt everything was to much. i have lost all my confidence and do not like driving though i do it. last week my husbnd cut 2 tendons in his hacn with a chisel so spent 2 nights in hospital which was about 25 miles away it does not seem far but when you feel all at sea it is. I was lucky my son was home so shared the driving. I do not think your husband is fed up of you he probally wishes he could do more to help if he is anything like mine. i also go to counselling which does help short term. i geet told by people to take 1 day at a time which i know can be hard and also not to fight the feelings but to ride with them. maybe some meditation might help you.

hi margaret it was nice to hear from you i do not feel so bad now , take care.

Hi magaret thanx for your kind words …may have to have an op to remove the discs at this rate I am running out of things to remove …next appointmentb is for my eyes the Tamoxifen is ,making them blurred and sore …biut optician is erring on the side of caution …I am slowly turning into a raving hypochondriac also waiting to have my nipple on my recon …certainly had my moneys worth out of the NHS n this last 8 months …o:) lol

Hi - regarding anxiety and panic attacks. I am surprised more women dont suffer from anxiety problems and panic disorder after going through everything to do with BC. I saw a friend of mine the other day. She is highly successful, rich, beautiful, no children, no health problems. All of a sudden she developed terrible anxiety attacks and couldnt eat or do anything. She lost 2 stone in a month and now looks awful. She has been under lots of stress- nothing unusual - commuting, arranging conference speeches, traveling up and down the country etc etc. She didnt realise how much stress she was under until this happened. Stress cripples and her stress is nothing like you lot are going through as it is not life threatening. No wonder you get panic attacks! Your life has been turned upside down and your health compromised by chemo, surgery and radiotherapy. And I guess like me, you try to keep going no matter how awful you feel because you want to prove to yourself and everyone else that you are strong. We all need to treat ourselves more kindly and slow down before we short circuit!!


Hi Cathy
this is sooo true. helpful to hear others get panic attacks, I get really panicky some days so much so that can’t make even the simplest of decisions and feel like crap - and my family are not always that sympathetic, they just tell me to calm down. in the end i just tell myself that hopefully tommorrow i will feel better, and sometimes i do, but know i am still highly emotional even 18 mths after dx.