Hi All! Just after some advice and to see if anyone else has experienced this x
I’m a 52 year old who was diagnosed with Grade 11 invasive ductal breast cancer in October - no lymph involvement found - I had a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction in November and am well on my way to recovery - all done and dusted in just over 3 months!
At the moment though I’m in tears and absolutely worried sick - terrified to be honest!
I’m postmenopausal and not had a period for at least 5 years - but for the last year or so I’ve been having some worrying niggling symptoms:
- Period like pains/cramps on and off for the last year or so but this has settled to a dull constant ‘periody’ ache over the last 6 months
- Also a dull aching lower back and pelvic pain
- Vaginal discharge for around the last 4 months (this had totally stopped with my very last period so I was surprised to see it back!)
Not surprisingly I suppose (since my BC diagnosis) these symptoms have started ringing alarm bells!
So I asked for an ultrasound months ago and eventually got one week last Friday - this showed an abnormally thickened edometrium - so the alarm bells are ringing at top volume!!
Then this morning I’ve started bleeding - not a large amount but after 5 years enough to shock!
I’m beside myself now with worry - my lovely Aunt died from uterine cancer - I know it may all be fine and I’m worrying for nothing but I have this terrible gut feeling
I’ve only just started on letrozole so don’t think it’s that causing the bleeding - or maybe it is? Either way with all the other symptoms… I could really do with some support - advice - your own experiences - anything! xxxxx