Potential secondary

Hello first time post after lurking

I have originally diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer March 2022. Had 8 rounds of chemo lumpectomy 8 rounds of Capcitabane then 5 radiotherapy and finished treatment July 2023. Had clear mammogram September 2023 and found new lump December 2023.

I was diagnosed with a reoccurance in the same area and again triple negative. I had a mastectomy Feb and started 6 rounds of chemo. On my CT scan a very small node of 0.05cm was found on my right lung. Just had a follow up CT scan and no increase in tumour they have noticed a swollen lymph node and are going to contact lung team to review and to see if I need a biopsy.

I have mentally thought I was ok but this has just completed shaken me and I just can’t get the feeling that it’s secondary and I just don’t know how I feel. Scared and worried but just know nothing can be done for now but the waiting is just well pants. Has anyone else experienced anything similar


:heart: do ring the number on here and speak to a nurse or use the someone like me option too :heart: bcn has got you :two_women_holding_hands::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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