Pre DIEP nerves

Hi Girls
I got back home a week after surgery, bilateral mastectomy with diep recon. Feeling better each day. They kept my nipples for me too!
I am just amazed at how fabulous I look and feel. It all seems to be healing well. My brain needs a little attention, I find it difficult to focus on one thing for very long, so I have lots of things to dip in and out of. So far so good.
The very best news was the histology from the old boobs was clear of any malignancies, but full of potential hiccups like fibroadenomas and microcalcifications which would have been worrisome whilst waiting for results, so I can definitely say that this has been absolutely the best decision I could have made.
Glad you’re feeling so much better Annie!
I’m just off for my first solo walk up the road, here goes!
Nicky x

Hi Nicky, so glad you’re happy with your results. I’m growing more and more happy with mine. The scars are pretty full on, but I was never going to look good in a bikini before! I still (4 months on) have a small wound that is just so stubborn to heal, but I’m so used to it now it doesn’t bother me. Now I’ve had this done I feel like I can really move on. It has definately been the best thing for me and all those weeks of walking hunched over are a distant memory. I have been offered my nipple recon and for my natural boob to be lifted for better symerty, but I’m not bothered right now. Perhaps in a year or so.


Hi Annie
I’m really pleased so far with the scars and would happily wear a bikini tomorrow, not that I look good in one but I realised a long time ago that no matter how self conscious you feel, nobody is going to be looking at you, they’re all too worried about how they look themselves!
Come the summer when on holiday in Italy I shall definitely be wearing one as I prefer a brown wobbly tummy to a lily white wobbly one plus the Italian surgeons haven’t apparently heard of keyhole surgery, Everyone over the age of 40 have the biggest scars on their tummies but even though I have a mega smiley one on mine it’ll be hidden under my smaller than usual bikini bottoms!!!
Walked further today and even went in a couple of shops, what a treat. Am banana like in the evenings and am trying to work my core for support during the day. Am going to be sooo fit with a 6-pack haha in a couple of months. Better stop eating conciliatory chocolate and start the diet. Not too dificult as my tight tummy will only allow tiny portions.
Love Nicky x

Yeah! I had the complimentory stomach shrink too. Filled it with chocolate. Hmmmmmm.