Pre-mastectomy surgery advice

Hi all

I’m having a flat closure mastectomy on my right beast and left side reduction next week - had my pre-assessment today, and they’ve given me a wash thing to use for the next five days, with instructions on when to use it on my body / hair etc. they said not to use any other products the day of the surgery; which makes sense, but I couldn’t gather if I’m just solely meant to use this now?! And how important it it? Realise it’s for germ management but I’ll be getting public transport to the op so I’m not sure if it’s overkill or something I have to 100% stick to? I definitely don’t have time to be washing towels fresh every day! Any advice / experience welcome!

Hi @claire401
I had a right mastectomy and Diep + implant reconstruction, and left side reduction last year. Like you I had to use Octenisan for 5 days prior to surgery. Other than the day of surgery, I also used my normal shampoo, conditioner and shower gel, as the octenisan makes your hair and skin a bit dry. I also used a clean towel each day and changed my bed every day! I didn’t want to take any chances to be honest, as my surgery was very complex and I didn’t want to risk infection, or flap failure…but I do think I was possibly over cautious! (And exhausted from all the bloody washing!) I did wonder how I was allowed to have contact with people yet had to do this but I think it’s about obliterating any bacteria on your skin, so it’s quite important. I’d say if you shower before bed you could get away with not changing your bedding, but a clean towel is a good idea. Maybe buy some cheap towels from a supermarket, wash them all at the same time and you’re good to go? Sorry if I’ve waffled and if I’ve made work for you :grimacing:
Wishing you lots of luck and a good recovery - just shout if you have any other questions xx

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Hi @diddy1 - thanks so much for your reply! I toyed with the DIEP flap option, but have decided to stay flat!

Yeah that’s what confused me too! I can still see people and work and walk my dog but can’t use a one day old towel? :joy: confusing!! But I will be cautious also as I don’t want an infection.

How did you find the recovery? I think I’m most concerned about sleeping afterwards (I’m a side sleeper) and dreading the drains…! Just want to get back to “normal” asap! Xx

@claire401 Although the recovery was tough and long, it was nowhere near as bad as I’d anticipated. My surgery was more extensive, so you’ll be up and about before you know it, I promise. I’m also a side sleeper, so it was a struggle to start with, but I expect you’ll only have to sleep on your back for about 4 weeks - you’ll be guided by the nurses/ physios, and the time flies. A V pillow really helped me.
Everyone dreads the drains, but please don’t worry! I was in hospital for a week and my drains were removed before I went home, but honestly, you hardly notice them.
You’ll be back to ‘normal’ (!) soon but make sure you rest, and give yourself time to heal, mentally as well as physically :hugs: xx (oh and chocolate helps!!)

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If you are staying flat and it very much depends on your surgeon etc but I was in hospital for 24 hours, drain removed before I left and all bandaged up and home before I knew it. I’m also a side sleeper and found it tough but a wedge pillow really helped me


Thanks, I’m having a drain in the mastectomy side for one week.

Shit scared but ready for it now!!! Xx

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(post deleted by author)

Good luck, lots of love xx

Good luck! I’m on week 4 post surgery and back to sleeping on my side :grin: