pre op assessment

What happens at your pre op assessment

Hi Nel


at mine they did my height, weight, blood preasure, took a blood sample, pee in a box and checked my neck and throat.  Didn’t take long. I was also given a leaflet about the unit I would get my op. Not details about the op just the unit. Like phone numbers, a map, when to turn up etc. I wanted to ask questions but to be honest the nurse had no idea. 


Take care



Hi nel. I was weighed measured , had blood test , x ray and ECG . Was talked the general anasathetic procedure as I hadn’t had one before . Word of caution is that the nurse I spoke to was not a breast can cancer nurse and gave me details about drains which scared me . I went to see the bc nurse afterwards who said I wouldn’t need them so I needn’t have been given that to worry about . It took about 2 hours and afterwards went for lunch and some retail therapy that I couldn’t really afford ! I keep telling myself it’s helping to keep me positive !! X