Pre pre-cancerous cells
Pre pre-cancerous cells I was diagnosed with calcifications on routine mammogram and subsequently pre-cancerous cells/DCIS. I underwent wire location biopsy followed by wide local excision and pedicle reconstruction. No lymph node involvement. However, my results were disputed by different Pathologists and the final decision was (my understanding anyway) that I was pre the pre-cancerous cells. I was assured I would still have required the surgery either way and that is not an issue at all and my Consultant and breast care Nurse explained everything fully and were very kind. I am just confused about what’s happened and now short of the wounds healing and getting back to “normal” I am not to be seen for another 3 years for mammogram, no follow-up at the Breast Clinic etc. The condition was described as something with three letters - I think ADH, which I can’t find anywhere on this or any other site. I realise that things could have turned out a lot worse, and am so grateful for that fact, but wonder if anyone out there has had a similar experience, and how it was explained to them?
Hi Jaybe I had dcis and mastectomy two years ago. Before this I had fibroadenomas and was checked every 6 months by the breast clinic. Even though it is a benign condition.
My dcis was not detected early enough to avoid a mastectomy but at least early enough to prevent it turning invasive.
I would request regular check ups if I were you particularly since you needed surgery.
Hope this helps a little.
Good luck
ADH Hi Jaybee,
ADH stands for Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia (sometimes it’s just called Atypical Hyperplasia). If you Google those words, you should see plenty of information come up about what it is. I think if you search on this site, you should find some info as well.
It is a benign breast condition which can increase risk of breast cancer - it’s explained very clearly on Dr Susan Love’s website.
I had calcifications, was sent for a core biopsy, ADH was found and then I had a lumpectomy which showed DCIS & 2 grade 1 cancers so I guess I’m one of the people whose ADH did indeed increase their risk of breast cancer and I ended up having a mastectomy.
If you’ve still got questions after reading up on the internet, you should be able to go back to your medical team for some more clarification.
best wishes
Hi jacks, thanks for your reply. Yes I was thinking it was a long time to wait another three years for a mammogram and that I had been almost “dropped”. I think I will do as you suggest and request more regular check-ups.
Thanks again - it does help to speak with people who know how you are feeling doesn’t it?
Hi Daphne, thanks for replying. Your information has been of great help and I have already accessed several sites explaining ADH. I do feel I would be happier having yearly mammograms and will discuss this with my Breast Care Nurse when I next see her.
Thanks again.
I too have been diagnosed with DCIS. I had a WLE using wires and am waiting tfor he final path results with trepedation, worried to death about what they are going to find!!!.
I too have been told that afterwards it is yearly mammorgrams.
Good luck
georgiegirl - when do you get your results? I hope you get good news and the DCIS has all gone with nothing left.
Hi Daphne,
Am in a state of euphoria!!!
After 6 weeks of mental torchure and agony I got the results yesterday.
The op was a success and the margins were good, so no more surgery. The best news ever, was there was no sign of any invasive cancer at all, just pure DCIS.
I can’t believe how lucky i have been as I am 46 and hadn’t had a mammogram for 8 years.
The 2 areas in question were 4cm and it was high grade DCIS, so obviously i feared the worst.
My surgeon must be so wonderful to have got it all first time, and the fact that there is nothing invasive is just the best news ever.
I just can’t put into words how i am feeling.
I have got to go through 5 weeks of RT and then am expecting to be put on Tamoxofen, so am not out of the woods yet, but am on cloud 9 at the moment.
Thanks for asking.
georgiegirl Very pleased to hear that the DCIS has gone and there was no invasive cancer.
Hi georgiegirl
Sorry I haven’t replied before but not had access to website for a while.
So pleased to hear your good news. Its a very emotional rollercoaster isn’t it? My news, like yours, was good, although for some reason instead of a feeling of euphoria I couldn’t stop crying! I am told that’s normal too. I also felt guilty for the people whose news wasn’t so good. I am now “in a place” where I can openly say to people that I have been very very lucky and be positive about it. I am now back at work and you wouldn’t know I’ve been off!!! Good luck with your treatment and keep in touch. xxx
Hi there,
Thanks for the posting.
I have just started Radiotherapy - 3 sessions so far - 22 to go.
I have done the crying bit too - exactly the same as you - so emotional. I still do!
I do feel very lucky, but am also very scared of recurrence. The Oncologist told me that my long term prognosis is very good indeed, but when anyone mentions future events or planning things I go into panic mode. The future seems a very scary place to me - I suppose it must be a normal reaction to all the events of the last 10 weeks.
There are so many, so worse off that i feel guilty and selfish for feeling as scared as I do.
How are you?
DCIS Well Woman Insurance I was diagnosed with DCIS earley this year and had a well woman policy (UNI Direct, Croydon) which I took out 8 years ago. Because of family history (twin sister died of breast cancer,mother also had Mastectomy) I am about to have a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. I claimed on my Well Woman policy but have been refused on the basis that DCIS is pre cancerous and non life threatening. Looking back at other DCIS chat forum it would seem that other people have been successful with their claim with this same policy provider. Is there anyone out there who has recently been successful with a claim?