Predisosed to breast cancer

Does anyone know if a history of benign breast tumours can make you more pre-disposed to breast cancer? Lx

Hi Lucy bumping this up for you I don’t know the answer although on a sheet of info I got from the breast clinic when I 1st went 2 years ago it stated on there that having a benign cyst/ breast condition doesn’t make you more prome to getting BC … ?

Mekala x

Don’t know the official stats but I know 3 people who’ve had benign growths removed and who have not developed BC. - My Mum (35 yrs ago!)
A friend (about 20yrs ago) and her sis (about 10yrs ago).


benign breast lumps dont predispose to breast cancer but breast changes with atypia like atypical ductal or lobular hyperplasia or radial scars can eventually turn into breast cancer so normally they would remove the area by excision biopsy but once removed you wouldnt need any more treatment or more regular screening.

when i found my lump, i had a mammo which showed both boobies had lots of cysts in them… scan showed the cysts were ok but lump was bad news!!!. I hope that if they had any doubts about my cysts then they would have other me to have left boob off when i had right MX!, but who knows> MY wonder about my cysts is how small would my boob be if they wernt there… its only little anyway! x

Thankyou ladies! I’ve had one fibroadenoma removed last year so hoping the lump and strange line of thickened area will be the same. Still have another 5 days until my appointment. Lx