I have been recently diagnosed with invasive ductal cell carcinoma in right side with lymph node metastasis while I am 22 weeks pregnant. It’s such a devastating situation anybody could imagine. I am waiting for mastectomy with axillary clearance. So far I know it’s grade 2 and estrogen positive and HER 2 negative from biopsy. It’s now 26 weeks.
Is there anybody in this group who is / was in the same situation?
Hi abc, sorry to read what you’re going through. I posted on here back in February as I was 6 or 7 weeks pregnant and had just been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3 er+ her2+ unfortunately I had a mc at 12 weeks as had a blighted ovum. I can’t help you personally but my surgeon had a patient going through the same who had to go through chemo and her and baby were safe and well. I had my pre assessment while pregnant and had upcoming appointments with the obstetrician which were to go through what they would be doing while I had surgery. You should have 2 teams (bc surgeon/obstetrics) while you go through yours and will be completely safe, they monitor the baby the whole way through. Do you know what treatment you’ll be getting after surgery? X
Sorry just looked at my own post and I was 10 weeks
Hi Cara, glad to hear from you. At least there are people who are going through similar sort of situation.
I am 35. This is second pregnancy and I have twins daughters who are 10 years. Yes, I am under both obstetrics and breast team. I did not have any scan due to pregnancy to see any spread which is all time very scary feeling. Going to have 2 doses of steroid injection today and tomorrow before mastectomy if in case emergency c section needed… It is making me scared as I am just 26 weeks now… The baby would be very tiny and there would be lots of complications for prematurity… I don’t know how many people needed emergency c section while having mastectomy and axillary clearance??? Or even what sorts of side effects of general anaesthesia on baby actually can happen ??
Well , after the operation I would be given chemo. They will look at the biopsy report to decide further treatment which is 2 weeks post operatively.
How many weeks you are now? Did you have any complication while surgery ?did you require chemo or any neo adjuvant therapy? Did you have any scan?
Thank you so much once again for your reply and sharing your valuable comment.
I lost the baby at 12 weeks so it’s been a rough few weeks but when I got my diagnosis after my biopsy they sent me for a mammogram and ultrasound of my armpit to have a look at what they were dealing with. I haven’t heard of anyone needing an emergency c section, I think it’s quite rare for it to happen during surgery but it’s something that could happen during chemo but I’ve heard of women who have surgery and then wait til they’ve had the baby to start chemo. Can you not request to have a scan?