
When I started Tamoxifen the breast care nurse said I have got to make 100% sure that I don’t get pregnant while taking it. Why?! She didn’t really explain.

Sorry Fluffy ,you might have been anxious to hear something for the last few days.
I am not a nurse or a doctor, but from what I understand it is important to get pregnant because
you don’t want to get pregnant while you are still in in the 5 year window after your diagnosis because you are taking treatment. Like the Tamoxifen and this sort of medication might effect your unborn child.

Also the chance of getting a reocc. or sec in this time are the highest and you would want to diagnose quick (which will be difficult if you are pregnant, with swollen breasts) and then treat aggressively (which will harm your unborn baby).

Really the advise is not to get pregnant for these 5 years.
No Tamoxifen and chemo and Zoladex will catch the estrogen or inactivate your ovaries so it is less likely you can get pregnant but it is not 100%effective contraception. So you are advised to you condoms or femidom or your partner to have a vasectomy (that is permanent though)
You can’t use the pill, because that has hormones in it that could stimulate your tumor etc.

I hope this helps, again best is to phone up the breastcare nurse and ask her why.
good luck

Hi fluffy

You may find it useful to use the Breast Cancer Care ask the nurse email service for your query. Just go to the following link and email your question.

Alternatively you can contact the free helpline by phoning 0808 800 6000. This is open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm and Saturday, 9am - 2pm.

I hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards

Breast Cancer Care