Hi, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, feel like I am a test subject almost!
I was 26, I had a 3yr old and a baby aged 1month, didnt breastfeed. Found lump, doc thought it was a blocked milk duct as baby was so young. Had a bad feeling so pestered them some more, even the consultant initially thought a fibroid. Anyway turned out to be cancer. Never bothered storing eggs as I was lucky enough to have two kids so went ahead with treatment. 6 cycles chemo, lumpectomy and 25 sessions of radiotherapy. All treatment finished xmas eve 2010. Came to terms with the fact that my ‘child creating’ days were over. (the women in my family were all peri menopausal in their 30’s, so genetics coupled with the chemo, and doctors advice was that I couldnt concieve!) However, 2wks ago I discovered that I am expecting and I am petrified. Is it too soon after treatment? Will baby be ok? Will cancer be encouraged to return? What will happen with my breasts as pregnancy continues? Am I right to go through with this? I am so unsure. I stayed strong and got on with it last year. Before I found out about this, I was just starting to come to terms with what I had been through and address it but I feel like my feet havent had the chance to touch the ground yet. Has this happened to anyone else?
I’m far too old to be of any use directly to your problem but I suggest you give the helpline a ring while waiting for responses, as they may be able to give some specific advice or put you in contact with others in your position.
Good luck.
It is all down to the individual and their cancer. I am assuming that yours was not ER+ or HER2+++ as you don’t mention Tamoxifen or any other anti-oestrogen drugs or Herceptin…? Or maybe it was a small DCIS and you didn’t need further treatment? Obviously, I am not an expert! So check with the docs! But as you’ll be worrying over the weekend, I can tell you what I was told on a Young Women’s Forum a few weeks ago in the fertility seminar. They said that you should wait 2-3 months after chemo before trying (tick for you). However, you should not get pregnant whilst taking anti-oestrogen drugs or Herceptin. And if your cancer isn’t sensitive to oestrogen then it shouldn’t be encouraged to return.
The helpline is open until 14.00 today - why not give them a ring so you can go through all of the worries and questions whizzing round your head before you’re able to speak to your GP/onc/BCN on Monday?
Hope it all works out well.
Hi King of Leon
As the others have mentioned please do give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000. Here you can talk things through with a trained member of staff who will be able to offer you a ‘listening ear’ as well as emotional support and practical information. The lines are open today until 2pm and then Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator