Hi All, I had my PS appointment recently and he has my option for reconstruction is LD with implant, as I’m not suitable for a DIEP. The operation will be in the new year.
I asked if I could do anything to help prepare, regarding my weight or fitness, he said to ‘get fighting weight’ as any up or down in weight would effect the reconstruction.
I understand the reason to lose the weight I’ve put on whilst sitting around after my mx but reading some of the problems experienced reagrding tendons and nerves pulling I wondered about the getting fit and toned part, would a toned muscles pull more etc.
I have had my LD reconstruction December 08 and didn’t get chance to prepare as it was cancellation. Since operation I joined Pilates group and it is fantastic, the stretching exercises help so much.
Thank you for your reply gosia, I know there are lots of answers on here bout LD but so many to read and I find myself getting distracted amongst other things, so thought I’d ask what was on my mind.
Another question if you don’t mind, what has the pilates helped with and do you think it would have helped if you had had time before your op, with after your op recovery? That’s a bit waffly but hope you understand.
It is the pulling I’ve read about and also is it right that you can touch the recon and feel it in your back?
I would have liked mine sooner and thought it was going to be but my ps has to go away overseas so can’t do it until the new year, part of me know thinks yeah I can have a christmas (thankfully) and look forward to new things in the new year but part of me would have like to get on with it and try and put it all behind me as soon as possible and forego christmas this year.
Everyones different though I know, and keep getting that ‘its normal to feel this way’ comment but really it’s not normal. I have to laugh, and most days I do.
I do have lots of questions but I will read through more of the threads aas I don’t want to bombard you, you have been very kind in replying already.
I had my rec last December it went without any complications. I was shocked when I first looked at my new breast because it was so much bigger,due to swelling. It takes time to settle down it can take up till 12 month. Mine are all settled they look same size now. Re; you back were they remove LD muscle there is tightness not all the time but I do my exercises at least twice a day. That was also the reason I joined Pilates it does wonders for you back. I must admit implants do feel very strange but you get used to them.
I dont mind having a chat if you want to phone me let me know.
I’m preparing for this kind of operation too. I think. Somtimes I wonder whether I should bother but I think it probably will help me to move away on to another phase of this story.
Having made a decision that I (probably) did want to go ahead, I was keen to do it quickly but the surgeon has said I must get ‘psychologically prepared’. I need to see the breast care nurses and consider the ‘what if’s’ meaning how will I cope if there are problems and so on. Did any of you who have had the operation go through this process? What did you think and feel in the run up to the operation? Has anyone out there had problems and how did you cope? Thanks for any responses to these questions!
Gosia thank you again for your post, you are very helpful and your offer of speaking to me is about your experience is insirational to me, I may take you up on the offer but will do more reading first so not to give you a numb ear I’m so glad your experience was without complication, it’s a complication enough hving to deal with this situation.
Joanna I always knew I wanted to be put back together, for me it was just when, I want to feel and look as normal as possible as soon as possible so I too can put this behind me. It looked like I was going to have option to have it done before Christmas, I was worried about letting people down over Christmas due to recovery, but wanted to get back asap, so was glad in away my ps made the decision for me, but now its the wait to start the new year with n op. I too think about the ups and downs of the what after, will it be as expected, worse, better, what will people think, and wht direction will my head go in, it seems to have its own route map lately.
I’ve waffled on and will stop now but would recommend reading about this site as so much advice and experiences have been written and would like to know who you’re doing. It new to me but it’s good to talk
Gosia - any advice about what bra/top to wear immediately after recon op? Am due to have mastect and immed recon in 10 days time (tho am still scared about it…) and wondered what to take with me to hospital. (I like to be prepared!)
I had a mastectomy with LD flap reconstruction in June this year so can let you know what I found helpful and what I was given to wear. I came out of theatre already dressed in a compression vest which I had to wear for 6 weeks just to keep everything snug and to inhibit swelling of the area. I must say that I was very fed up with it by the end of the time as it’s very tight and comes up quite high which was an issue in the summer but will be less so in the winter months. Perhaps you will be supplied with this or you can buy them online I believe, just need to google it.
For ease of access whilst in hospital it is best to wear pyjamas with a front opening top as the nurses and doctor will be checking your wounds regularly. Having said that pyjama bottoms don’t really help when a catheter is in place but it can be done!
Where I had my op they put this bra supplied by hospital immediately on me after operation, must admit that I did not feel very comfortable so bought this fantastic sports bras from M&S. I also took front open pyjamas, makes it easy for nurses to check your wound. Make sure that you have lots of tops with front opening it makes life so much easier when you get home. Hope this helps if you need any other information let me know. All the best Gosia xxx
Thank you for the info. It just makes life easier when you can be prepared! I was recommended a front-opening soft bra, which I shall try out, just in case, and I have also seen some good sports bras