Prescriptions for Tamoxifen

Hi everyone,

I was started on Tamoxifen last month by my Consultant Oncologist at the hospital who gave me a prescription for a month and said I should then get prescriptions from my GP. I just picked up the prescription from the GP which is also for a month’s supply of tablets. I have to take Tamoxifen for 5 years and wondered if all GP’s only give a month’s supply at a time or if I could ask next time if the GP could give me a longer supply as if I am only prescribed a month at a time, this is going to be quite expensive as I do pay for my prescriptions.


Hi sandra,
I get 3mths supply on my prescription from GP, as i’m on other medication too i purchase a pre-payment card costs roughly £10 a month…which worked out cheaper for me.
I would ask your GP if you could have 3mths supply on prescription, i have heard of others who have had the problem of only being prescribed one months supply at a time.


Hi Sandra,

I was put on Tamoxifen a year and a half ago. When my Doc first prescribed it, he said that they should only give one months supply of pills, but he gave me a repeat prescription for 2 months supply at a time. I have now been changed to Aromasin, but I had just got another 2months supply of Tam which I had to pay £6.85 for. But my Onc told me to stop taking them, as I was suffering badly with the side effects. The hospital gave me a prescription for a months supply, which I also had to pay £6.85 for! Then I’ve got to get them from my Doctor. Problem is he’s now retired, so I don’t know, if like you, I’ll only get a months supply. But I am going to ask for 2 months, when I go to the surgery to collect my repeat prescription. You’re right it does work out expensive, but try asking for 2 months supply when you next see your GP.

Have you seen on this website the questionnaire to fill in, to abolish prescription charges like they have in scotland. You can download it or fill it in online,

Good Luck,

Cynthia xx

I have been on Arimidex for 6 months and now ask my GP for a 6 month supply. He gives me a 3 month one and a post dated 3 month one which really helps.

Karen, Cynthia & Olivia,

Thanks for your replies. I will ask for 2 or 3 months supply next time and see what happens. I am not on any other medication so I don’t think it would be worthwhile to get the pre-payment card. I’ve now filled in the questionnaire to abolish the charges. My sister lives in Wales and doesn’t pay for any prescriptions. It should be the same for the whole country.

Anyway, next time I’ll definitely try to get a bigger supply.

Thanks again.


Hi everyone

I don’t know if it’s only in some authorities, but I have an exemption card so I don’t have to pay for my Tamoxifen (or any other drugs for that matter - currently also on MST (morphine) Pregabalin (nerve blocker) paracetamol, voltoral and tramadol). You can get the form from your GP - if you have secondaries then you should be able to get your prescriptions for free?

Hope this helps

J x

It’s funny how different primary care trusts operate. At my hospital, they only give you 2 weeks worth on prescription then write to your doctor. They take so long doing this that the scrip from the hospital has usually run out. Also I have been recommended drugs by the consultant, who has written to my doctors, which the doctors won’t or can’t prescribe. I used to get really wound up about all of this but am a bit more relaxed now as I realised the stress wasn’t helping me.


I have always used a PPA Any meds you need throughout the year are covered - works out a lot cheaper. It costs £98.70 for 12 months. You can also pay for the 12-month PPC by 10 monthly Direct Debit instalments.

I only get 2 months supply of tamoxifen which is so annoying.
I feel very strongly we should not have to pay at all my friend has thyroid probs and another is diabetic they get all medication free even if its not relatated to their condition.
I take my drugs to ward off a cancer re-occurence and hopefully keep me alive, but unlike them i have no gaurantees even with my medication i will not get a re-occurence. Seems strange i have to pay though
What is happening about the campaigning for free prescriptions?


Hi girls

I only get one month’s supply (live north east) at a time, which is a bit of a faff on, a 3 month supply would be better.

Diane x

My last GP was lovely, he used to write me 6 month prescriptions but now I can only get 3 months at a time which I’m told is the maximum. I think it’s most unfair to only prescribe one month at a time - not only because of the cost, but for some of us there is the sheer inconvenience of having to trot to the doctor and the pharmacy so frequently. Since tamoxifen is designed for long term use I don’t understand why we can’t get 6 months at a time.

I have other prescriptions so it’s worth buying a pre-payment card. Unfortunately despite having secondaries and getting DLA, I still can’t get free prescriptions!

Hi Silverlady

Hope you’re okay - I sat next to you at Westminster!

Like you, I can’t get free prescriptions either! I used to get 6 month prescriptions but it was changed to 3 months but am now not on hormone therapy (just chemo and bone strengthener).


My GP prescribes 2 months tamoxifen at a time as the PCT won’t allow doctors to prescribe more to prevent waste. As if I’m going to NOT take a drug that is to prevent a recurrence of my cancer!! I have to pay for my prescriptions. This annoys me as the local PCT prescribes methadone and tranquillisers free to the local heroin users regardless of whether or not they are working.


My GP prescribes 28 tablets so the pharmacist has to open the pack of 30, snip 2 tablets off one of the strips and give the rest to me. I wonder what happens to all the odd 2’s? Do you think they will save them up and give them all to me in 14 months time LOL. 365 divided by 12 is just over 30 so why only 28 a month?


Hi Wendy

I had this too. On my scrip renewal I wrote " could you please prescribe me with 60 days worth at a time as I pay for all my prescriptions and Tamoxifen only comes in packs of 30 "…and it worked. I now put all my requests on the scrip renewal form and just post it at the doctors. Means I don’t have to see a doctor…which is always a bonus at my surgery. Maybe I should request 90 next time…lol


Hi Debbie

I will try this. I have just been changed to Aromasin (30 in a pack for these too) so I can’t see the pharmacist being happy with all the odd tablets as this has to be ordered in as not something pharmacys usually stock. Good luck with getting 90 at a time!!
