Preventative mastectomy?

Morning All,

This is probably a daft question…I have noticed a few ladies on here who have opted for bilateral mastectomies although bc only in one breast. I asked my onc about it and he said it would make no difference to me. I had node involvement and wondered if maybe that was why, or if it is better to have preventative surgery if your bc was genetic?

Sorry if a silly question - I finished rads on Monday and had 6 months of chemo, think I am scratching around for what else I can do to help ym chances of this not coming back!

Thanks for your help as always

L xx

Hi Lizalou

I’m having genetic testing at the moment. If it comes back positive I’m having my non BC breast removed. I’ve made this decision for a couple of reasons. One is “belt and braces” tactics and the other reason is that I’ve got to have “cosmetic” surgery on my other breast anyway to match it to the re–constructed breast so if I’m having surgery anyway I might as well go for the second mastectomy.

Not sure if that helps but it’s another view point.

Good luck with your decision.

E x

Hello Lizalou,
I’m one of the bilaterals - my breast surgeon suggested I might have the unaffected breast removed because it would have been impossible to do a comparable recon and he said I would have back problems for sure, with the imbalance. That, plus the idea that - even though there was no reason to believe the second breast was likely to become affected - I preferred to have it out of the way and one worry less. And I am really pleased with the results, both “cosmetically” and “morale-ly”!

Hi lizalou
I had it on one side but chose to have other one done.I had genetic testing and it came back that I do not carry the 2 main genes but testing is still ongoing for things they dont know enough about yet,their words, not mine, so thought it best all round to have the op and likepetitepart I think it is easier to get a good match when reconstructing two.The genetisist said , before those results about 2 main genes came back, that it would reduce my risk by 90%. why would anyone refuse that?I certainly didnt and do not regret it one bit.

debbi x


Im opting for a preventative mastectomy and immediate reconstruction when I go in for my recon on my breast that I had removed beginning of sept.
I am doin it for multiple reasons.
Mainly to reduce the risk of getting breast cancer again.
I want both my breasts to look the same & be made up of the same thing so to speak. I suffer with weight fluctuations and if my boobs are made up of different things (natural breast and tummy flap) I may put weight on one breast more than the other which may mean having to have surgery at a later date to make them even again. Ive already had a breast reduction 10 years ago but over the years put on weight so my boobs have increased in size.
If they are made up of the same thing at least they will increase/reduce the same. My scarring will be the same so they will look symetrical.

I made this decision from the moment I was diagnosed in March and have stuck to the decision throughout my treatment, which my care team are happy to honour my wishes.

Im pencilled in for recon in march/april. Im looking forward to a nice flat tummy and new little boobs! :o)

Julie x x

I had a mastectomy in March to remove 2 small tumours and LCIS. My remaining breast is full of LCIS. With my Consultant’s backing, I have chosen to have another mastectomy next Spring. I want to lessen my chance of getting bc again, and having it while I am young (46) and relatively healthy will take away some of the fear of the possibility of having to do this is 10 or 20 years, when things are not so much in my favour.

I do not want a recon and feel lop-sided and uncomfortable wearing a prosthesis. I will either go without when I’m flat as a pancake or wear smaller prothesis’ (what’s the plural??!!) if I want a bit of shape.

Totally a personal decision. BUT I do get soooo frustrated with those who have NO clue trying to tell me what I should or should not do! Bit of a rant there :slight_smile:

Jacki x