Preventative surgery


I had BC almost 14 years ago and was completely unaware at the time that I was a BRCA gene carrier. I just had a lumpectomy at the time, but now I know I have the BRCA gene I’m planning to have a double mastectomy and reconstruction.

My question is, is if I go privately is it possible to have a mastectomy by a breast cancer surgeon and reconstructive surgery by a plastic surgeon (so as to get the best result possible) at the same time. I’m keen to avoid 2 surgeries. If anyone has done this, or knows of someone who has, I’d be very grateful to hear from you.


I had a double mastectomy and plan to have delayed recon, but a friend of mine has exactly what you are suggesting. The breAst surgeon and plastic surgeon worked together and she was delighted with the result. She had a silicon implant though not one where they use your own body! X

p.s she was an NHS patient

Thanks so much Cs66, and v helpful to know the NHS is an option as I’d somehow assumed wanting 1 op I’d need to go private. Good luck with your reconstruction when you have it.

What sort of reconstruction are you having?If an implant,you will find you will only require the breast surgeon,however,if having the DIEP,(tummy fat taken and put in boobs) PS will carry that out.

Hi jillybee,
I have no idea yet as to what type. Am just starting to think about it, and all I know is I want the best result I can get. I know someone who had implants done and wasn’t happy with the result, but she may have been a one off.

Thanks Cate for the reassurance that I can do this in 1 op, and that you’re happy with the result. Did you get yours done on the nhs, or privately? Bel X

Hi all,
I am 33, brca 1 positive and I have already had my ovaries and fallopian tubes removed.
I am planning my op and just feel so overwhelmed by the type of op to have…I have been told that I don’t have enough fat from my stomach to reconstruct both breasts…they could do it but I would lose at least a cup size, notnsure how I feel about implants…
Can anyone give me their advice?,