Prevention is better than cure

Prevention is better than cure. Just read an article in It mentions that Walking Can Decrease Breast Cancer Recurrence 40 Percent.I think not just walking but better sleep and regular sports also help to decrease the posibility of breast cancer. Share the article as following hope it will help:

When it comes to further minimizing the chance of breast cancer recurrence, Dr. Carolyn Kaelin, a Harvard surgeon, breast cancer survivor and author of The Breast Cancer Survivor’s Fitness Plan, says, "Brisk walking - about 3.0 mph on a treadmill - for three to five hours per week, or about 30 minutes a day, can net big benefits
for breast cancer survivors.

Hello there.
To add to this an oncologist told me to keep my weight down as most women with bc tend to put on weight with and after treatment, which im finding hard because i keep craving sugar and also comfort eating.
I gave up 25 cigarettes after my op and have never been a drinker.
Are there other ideas and advice on this.

Hi happyallthelife

I have just been looking at the website you mention. I cannot find the article you mention (admittedly only a quick search), but there were a couple of video news clips that mention this. Are these what you mean?

I am sure there is a distinction to be drawn between cutting the rate of recurrence and the risk of recurrence, but there are forum users on here who are much better than me at explaining the finer points of the statistics.

Also, there is no mention on the clips of type of cancer, node involvement, etc, both of which also exercise a great deal of influence on recurrence rates - but, of course, over which we have no control.

Any road up, there’s no denying exercise is good for you! And if you exercise (as I did, was also a normal weight, had already given up smoking and drastically reduced alcohol intake) and it does come back (as it has with me), you’ll at least be in the best possible shape (kidneys, BP, cholesterol, etc) you can be to cope with more treatment.

Finally, there seem to be number of reports on there that weightlifting reduces the risk of developing lymphoedema. This is not correct - there is a thread all about this on this forum, on the lymphoedema board, which sets the record straight.

mcgill49, I would say, eat well (to enjoy in addition to good food), find some sensible (bearing in mind your surgery) exercise that YOU like and do everything else in moderation. Life’s for living.

X to all